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    Yeah, but it's not incremental. He just finds a smaller number of big upgrades.

    I define RPG as a game where there's a focus on character progression. That is, your character gets incrementally better as the game goes on, usually through gear and/or level ups. In most games, the player just gets more skilled, in an RPG the character improves just as much.

    In my experience the random players are pretty decent in TH, as long as you don't play a time trial challenge.

    The original is my least favorite. It's really obtuse in terms of telling you what to do and it hasn't aged well.

    The weird thing about RE4 is that it commits a ton of game design sins - in particular the fact that half the game is an escort mission - but it somehow makes it work.

    Are there any specific social links you haven't done before, or is it just that you want a playthrough where you get every social link done at once?

    I'm unsure if the Japanese version is better or worse in that regard.

    Well, in P4, you're limited by your SP. IIRC P3 let you refill that.

    Haven't played it, but it sounds like a smartphone/tablet port would make more sense than a PC release. The touchscreen seems like it's a core part of the game.

    Is there a reason why the VC can't run SNES Star Fox? I've always found it weird that they never rereleased the original.

    It's not space combat, but Kid Icarus Uprising is basically a Star Fox game.

    Also, the backstory for Rosalina in Super Mario Galaxy was literally snuck in by the other developers without telling Miyamoto, because they knew he'd disapprove of it.

    I feel like they never know that they want to do with Star Fox's plot.

    Honestly the problem with the Star Fox series as a whole is that (after 64) they always want to do something innovative or unique. And it pretty much always backfires.

    Yeah. I remember watching a ton of reruns as a kid.

    To be fair, you can get through that section of the game very quickly if you just go right to the bosses, especially if you put the game on easy mode.

    So how is the plot this time around?

    "Has anyone got to the new dungeon in the HD version? Thoughts?"

    There's basically a divide among Zelda fans that really helps you determine which games they like and which ones disappointed them.

    It seems like most Zelda games have a weird tradeoff. You either have a lot of strong dungeons but a meh world/sidequests (Twilight Princess), or you have a few meh dungeons and an incredibly well developed world with interesting sidequests (Majora's Mask, Wind Waker).