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    Yeah, the trick with the Triforce quest is to do it in pieces while doing the other two Temples. If you wait until doing those Temples before starting it, it'll feel like a slog.

    I really like the arc the King of Red Lions had. The whole thing with him realizing that he's almost as bad as Ganondorf because his singular focus on restoring a long-dead and forgotten kingdom is making him ruin the lives of the next generation.

    You should probably play some Metroidvanias. It sounds like you enjoy that kind of exploration emphasis.

    I'm guessing Nintendo has just gotten more serious about writing dialogue. It feels like they've had actual writers since around the Gamecube era. Before then most storytelling was pretty basic and only existed to justify the gameplay, with a few exceptions.

    I think it's a little silly to criticize TP for being too much like OoT, considering that Nintendo made it specifically because people thought Wind Waker wasn't similar enough to OoT when it came out. Making an OoT2 was exactly what Nintendo was going for with TP.

    My main critique with Skyward Sword is the way it kept having slow popups for stuff like picking up an item that I've already gotten a ton of before.

    This isn't like calling other sitcom characters fascist, because Parks & Rec is a political show. Knope's an elected official for part of the series.

    You can buy the episodes on things like Amazon video.

    Is HK non-canon now? I would've thought that the main stuff that became non-canon was anything post-ROTJ. Are they making all the Old Republic era stuff non-canon?

    According to some hidden stuff in one of the Ezio games, in WW2 every side was Templar-aligned. FDR, Churchill, Hitler, and Stalin were buddies who manipulated everyone into war so that they could rebuild society from the rubble.

    Plus it's not likely the government cared much about getting him medical attention.

    That was originally going to be in the game, but like so much else it wasn't finished by the time the game was released.

    A) Yes, as long as you don't really care about the story and just go along for the ride. Unlike other MGS games, this one is gameplay first, with story as a distant second. That's why there's a dissonance between fan reaction to the game and critical reaction.

    The thing with MGS4 is that its entire purpose was to tie up loose ends from a long running series where each game had a delightfully insane plot. It was the clean-up crew, basically.

    I think they said that 4 would've taken a whole ton of discs, since the 360 doesn't support Blu-Ray.

    Yeah, Gat Out Of Hell really needed to be a full game. It ends way too quickly, so it never got the chance to really deliver on its premise.

    Emulating pirated ROMs is illegal, even if you own the original game.

    From what I understand, Team Ninja did the gameplay and animated things, but they had no involvement in the actual plot.