
Al-Anon would definitely be a better fit. She might actually take something away from it, since NA meetings just piss her off because she isn't a drug addict. I am sure Fiona will give us lots more to analyze this season. ;)

It was a great scene.

I get what you are saying and don't disagree. I just don't think it requires NA meetings and everyone acting like she is a total flake (Lip, especially).

Totally. Thanks!

Agreed! I am sure (or at least really hope) that it was improvised.

And it was perfect to do the perfect double episode after those less-than-impressive first couple episodes. They weren't horrible, but I was getting nervous the season would suck. If they had just shown the first part this week, I would have really been unsure about the direction of the rest of the season.

Locally sourced Italian leather flipflops KILLED me.

Agreed. Also, it is so typical in poor settings to just have random, awful people living in the house. I remember going to friends of friend's houses and being like "who the fuck all is living here?!"

I am excited to see where it goes, too. Though, in my heart of hearts, I want Sheila to have her RV.

Exactly. Do I look at a 14 year old now and think they are too young? Sure! But I lost my virginity at 15 and I remember how fine I was then and I am fine now. It just cannot be stopped. All you can do is what my mom did: when you find out, you put your daughter on birth control.

And Dermot Mulroney is just amazing. I have always loved him and I LOVED his scene with Fiona. One can hope she will take what he said and just better herself, but she will probably do what a lot of us would do and try to be better just to get him.

Am I the only one who thinks Fiona is right in not calling herself an addict? She fucked up, BIG TIME, sure. But she has never been a drug addict, and despite her partying behavior, she has always been pretty good considering the circumstances. She may make destructive choices when it comes to men, but I can see why

I thought Carl broke his ankle for Frank for some reason, but I can't put my finger on it.

They just posted it on their facebook page! But I can't figure out how to get it to post here.

They posted it on their fb page just now! haha. I dunno if this works, but here you go: <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/…";

I think the biggest problem is the leads have zero chemistry. At least that is what I am feeling. I think their sidekicks have way more chemistry. Hell, Big Bird and the lawyer have better chemistry!

DITTO! Even though I watch Scandal and have seen that episode. And hearing it from that perspective only drove home how ridiculous that show is.

Wow, I totally disagree with this review. I thought it was a fabulous first episode in Iowa. It exceeded my expectations. Hannah's behavior in the workshop was so cringe-worthy that I had to pause and take a break for a moment. But that is also what I loved about the episode and what I love about this show. Sometimes

It would be the only thing that could keep me watching this show. I just don't love it like I wanted to. I barely like it. :(

I loved how Ray seemed totally zen. Can't wait to see how that plays out.