
COOL!!! Would love to see that. Also, that just made me realize how much I NEED to see some bloopers/outtakes. Here I go down the Youtube rabbit hole.

All I know is that actually making these shows must be fucking exhausting if they have to think about all of this, not just making it hilarious and using the talent they have to just be hilarious.

I don't see her trying to make it a huge romance, but I agree that I liked what they did with it more in Season 1.

I really wouldn't go that far, but I do see why you did. I actually find Hannah and Girls refreshing compared to Lena Dunham's "Voice of a Generation" persona that you mentioned. I think Girls gets away from that, or at least it did the last seasons. We will see where this one goes. I agree that Broad City is way

I was truly upset for Abbi. That might have been a deal breaker for me!

Exactly. I am from Texas, but I live in Germany. When it actually gets in the upper 80s to low 90s here, it is fucking miserable because there is no air conditioning and you never get to cool off. Even at work.

He totally is, but omg the scene where is he sweating on her bed was truly revolting. And I loved it.

I think she has worn it before. Or maybe it is just because I saw that scene in the promo.

For me, this was the best episode I have seen in at least the last two seasons. Good stuff! And I love how it just ended without knowing where Dee was.

That whole scene was gold for me. I love it when he analyzes everyone in the room. Almost as much as I love his D.E.N.N.I.S. system.

My only theory about how different their perspectives are is that perhaps that is meant to show what they told the cops in separate interviews. Otherwise, it really makes no sense at this point.

Don't be so hideously self-righteous over things that do not matter in the slightest.

Yawn. Was clearly joking and not reflecting on the complexities of why people do fucked up things to people they love.

How anyone could leave Joshua Jackson for Dominic West is beyond me. Josh is looking FINE in this show. That has been my biggest problem with an otherwise great show.

Agreed. I keep thinking she is trying to hide ugly teeth?

Oh come off it. True Detective is completely overrated.

I adored the couples therapy scene. It made the episode an A for me.

I think that should have been the last episode and the ending should have been Jax shooting himself in that garden right after Gemma. Honestly, there is NO ONE left to root for besides Nero and he is just as dumb as the rest of them. Jax just grosses me out at this point. Wendy is pathetic. The club is a shell of its

At least he was lovable in Felicity. He started out okay on Scandal, but then became a creepy killer that makes sex seem gross. Why did they do that to him? :( And if he says "the sun" ONE MORE TIME.

Barf. Why am I still watching?