
I am upset that this show has given me a slight distaste for Scott Foley. I need to watch Felicity again.

It is ridiculous.

I thought the EXACT same thing about the eyes and figured they must have enhanced them. It was distracting.

And, I would totally be like her if all I had to do was write two hours a day. Totally bought it!

Have to agree. I babysat a very manipulative 5 year old. Obviously her motives were not sophisticated, but she knew what she was doing!

This seriously made me laugh for a full 5 minutes. Could be cause I'm stoned, but could also be because the comments are the best thing about this show.


I try not to hate Dominic West, but it is hard. He just doesn't do it for me. Probably because I am the only person on earth that hated The Wire.

The fish thing seemed an obvious drug mule situation to me. I loved the episode, looking forward to the rest of the season!

I am confused: is there even such a thing as tainted meat? Everyone turns when they die, they know now that it isn't because of a scratch or bite. Did I miss a step? Entirely possible since I slept through most of last season.

I was so thankful for the cannibal part at the end only because the episode dragged in a few places. I am probably just traumatized from last season because it was SO slow and boring. Hope they keep up the pace so I can remember why I started watching this show.

I see why you quit TWD, but first ep of the new season is very promising.

Thinking so, too, but will give next ep a try since it got an 'A'. Abby is kind of a terrible actress, I am over Olivia, my beloved Jake is coming off kind of gross (don't be gross, Noel!), David Rosen just no, Fitz also no, Rowan's measured way of speaking makes me want to punch him…could go on an on.

I am trying to like this show, but I am not buying Wes' character at all. His deer in the headlights look is just too annoying and he is kind of a bad actor…

Thank you!!

Also, did anyone else see the thing at the end when Rick's old pal was there? Cannot remember his name…all I remember is they talked on walkie talkies and then met up and then something happened and then Rick saw him again, but he was crazy and had to leave him behind I think. ??

I loved this episode and was so relieved they finished the Terminus drama right away instead of dragging it out like they did with the Governor story. Carol is an absolute badass. Love her story of going from a battered housewife to a total bad bitch.

Did you love the Aquarius/Let the Sunshine in one? GOOD GOD.

This show is officially unwatchable for me. I just want to pick up when Jax finds out what Gemma did because all this other shit is truly uninteresting. I really don't get why the other guys in the club are just background characters now that go along with whatever Jax says and does. It was so fun when they all hated

Fun fact: the floral dress before her date was on backwards. Saw it on her instagram that she accidentally put it on that way and they decided to leave it. ;)