
I thought Libby was great. She has become my favorite character this season.

Keri Russell IS wooden on The Americans. Totally agree.

Agreed! Love their story more than Bill and Gini at this point.

Also in that scene he had on SO much makeup. It was done carelessly, but I took it as them showing how people use each other. Austin never wanted her because she is overweight until he found out who her family was.

I also think she credits Gini with keeping Bill from going full abusive spouse. She has to see that without Gini, he is worse.

I just want to say that the title of this show should never be googled on a shared computer. ;) Also, Viola Davis looks AMAZING. Totally excited to watch this!

I wanted to like it, but I just didn't. I hadn't realized how exhausted season 3 made me feel about this show until now. But, I will give it a go if for nothing other than Mellie and Jake (Noel can do no wrong!). Also, can we please please please be done with Huck? I am so sick of his dead eyes and breathy way of

Mellie laying on the grave was the best part of the episode for me. Honestly, other parts had me rolling my eyes, but that made me tear up.

I so wish I were as cool as Pam in real life. I live in Munich and Oktoberfest is pretty much the only thing that can get me to drink on a school night, cause I am really getting too old for that shit! Which is why I had two lunches today (which is also something Pam would do).

I think I am gonna skip this episode. It bores me at this point and I have 800 episodes of The Good Wife I am trying to binge watch. Someone alert me when Gemma is outed for killing Tara!

Also, "I want to see those tails wagging!" and the entire dog metaphor was hilarious. I love his smile, it is so silly it kills me.

That line was the funniest of all the dates, loved it!

I am just so happy to have this show back. I sat down to watch Sons of Anarchy and I just couldn't do it today, too hungover to watch that train wreck. Mindy is a total mood booster!

Which, knowing how much Mindy loves him, was perfect for her mom plan. I sometimes need to watch episodes twice so I can make sure I catch all the amazing jokes!

Thank you, totally agree.

I was happy to see Robert and Libby get it on if for nothing less than entertainment value. Two hot people doing it after weeks of sexual tension - fine by me. Excited to see what they do with it next week.

It was truly wonderful. Lindsay is my favorite character, but I love them all. I love that Lindsay and Edgar get almost equal screen time.

Yeah, this episode was majorly depressing. I have said before I find it hard to watch and not make parallels to my own relationship, which is a testament to how real Russ and Lina seem. I also loved the breakdown between Jess and Lina, as it was a long time coming. And how they played it off at the BBQ was also

Of that we can be sure.

Those three plants by the front door and where the bar was.