
I disagree with a lot of people here. This show is still great to me, possibly even better than when it started. I love watching Jackie do the shit she does and am excited to see how she ends up next season.

What?! I love Cooper. :/

Seeing it in the comedy category really shocked me. The Emmys pulls some ridiculous shit, but that show can't even be called a dark comedy.

Thank you!!

It cracked me up.

When Jax told his plan to the Indian Hills dudes and said he had no vision, why the fuck didn't the club take issue with that? The president doesn't care what happens? Since when?! Sloppy as hell.

And as some people mentioned last week - Charlie H. is not even trying with the accent anymore. It is comical at this point.

Someone told me they are splitting this final season into two, like Breaking Bad did. Please say it isn't so??

I saw it as a Breaking Bad shout-out, too. This episode had one really exciting point for me, which was Juice going back to Wendy's instead of Gemma's dad's. I hope this means he is about to spill to someone and make himself useful for once. At this point, he has nothing to lose but his sad life, so maybe he will do

We will see how it plays out next week. Could go a few ways: it will be fun for him and he will realize he likes sleeping with all kinds of women, not just skinny blondes. Therefore, making this a lesson for him. Or, he is super uncomfortable and continues being forced to sleep with her and they make this a lesson for

Of course it was coercion, but he walked himself right into it. I don't think he should have ever gone to her house. He should have made excuses to get out of that as long as possible.

Slow down there. I just mean, she made it CLEAR what her intentions were and he could have made an excuse and put her off, but he didn't because he is Austin and he is trying to pretend he doesn't sleep with everything that moves anymore, but he is still that person.

I loved that line. Rarely, does a kind of throwaway line catch me like that.

Yeah, he knew what she wanted and he wouldn't have gone if he didn't kinda want it, too. I would never go to a man's house I had no interest in sleeping with, when he obviously wanted to sleep with me. I might make every excuse in the book if I needed the job, but I certainly would not go.

YES! If he confronted one more alcoholic…

I wanted to punch Frank, too.

I have to disagree about Libby's CORE involvement. Right now, it is the most interesting thing on the show to me. I love the sexual tension between her and Robert and I hope to see it play out.

Oh for sure, but maybe the writers think that is the only way to end this thing, like Breaking Bad style?

Right? And like, they don't even make that much money. What is the damn point?

Well, it was LONG. Gemma is the worst and it makes me miss Stahl, because she was fun to hate and Gemma is just exhausting to hate. I hope we don't have to go the whole season before Jax finds out what she did. Hopefully, she goes full psychopath and sells herself out, since she displayed a little crazy in her talk to