
My only hope is Jax knows it was Gemma, but is playing some sort of game. You know how he do.

I took it as Wendy just doesn't give a shit if someone knows Juice is there. No more, no less. He is very low on the list of priorities and she has no stake in his safety.

Thank you! I felt really daft when I read this review because it seemed like it was known all along.

I really must have been asleep during the ep because I never caught the part where they actually said that was Bill's brother. Oops.

I guess they need them to produce the True Blood cure drink.

She will be bored with him again in a week. Good thing we don't have to watch it.

I honestly thought we were supposed to root for Jason and Jessica.

So much.

Yeah, the music had me thinking it was more serious. Then I remembered nothing is serious on this show.

Right? Why was she even at the bar if she was gonna sit three feet away from everyone else while they had a family meal? Ugh.

I thought I was the only one who hated True Detective.

HAHA! That is probably the font their scripts are in this season. ;)

Jason would do anything for love!

Sans Lettie Mae should be the only kind of Lettie Mae.

I saw who I think was their maid sitting on the couch with them. Which seems pretty fitting for Slate.

This episode was sorely missing Lafayette (sans Lettie Mae).

Would love to see some Jason/Hoyt action, I'm with you.

Gross. In the books she goes on and on with Eric and then in the bitter end, she ends up with Sam. I guess Bill is better?

I wish they would have stuck with the books, but no. We get Sookie and Bill, vampire government and not enough Eric. Barf.

I was actually entertained so far this season, but this ep was straight up boring.