
The show is just campy and hilarious to me at this point and that is why I will stick it out. Just to see what these fools come up with.

Eric beats him in every way! But it is painfully obvious they are going towards that reunion. Blegh.

She truly is the worst.

I'm not sure about this show yet. I find Russ' behavior to be immature and am also appalled by Lina's constant rejection of him. I will say, this show hits a little too close to home, so maybe it is good to watch. It reminds me not to reject my man too much just because life gets in the way, but it also brings up

If Gretchen starts calling Jimmy out for being a total curmudgeon more often, I will like this show more. I liked that she said she loved the restaurant, just not with him, but I wished she would have just left it at that. He was a total idiot about the restaurant. Instead she had to say "not yet", which totally

Just watched the first three episodes of Welcome to Sweden. I dunno what they are going for - like an uncomfortable comedy vibe a la The Office or just straight comedy, but it is truly awful. Also, Greg Poehler looks totally insane, makes the same shocked face for every emotion. No amount of cameos could fix this.

With the buildup of their whole connection over a few episodes, it seemed organic to me. And the scene right before where they held hands.

I'm from Texas and Ted Cruz scares the shit out of me. It is important that people see what a joke he is because in reality, his actions are not laughable. Not at all. It is a laugh so you don't cry kind of thing.

It is SO hard to watch. Sometimes I just want Libby to say what she really thinks TO HIM for once.

I feel like the audience deserves at least that, but I read an article where James (whatever his real name is) was interviewed and he said "We just had to be really careful about how we went about it. We didn’t want it to be uncomfortable to watch or over the top. It has to be something that is seemingly organic and

With people like Ted Cruz to make fun of, it is just too easy.

We can hope.

I thought the dream was that naked dude's dream that attached Chirstine earlier?

It just felt so stupid to me. I mean, they have lost SO many people. It is hard to stay sad day in, day out.

I was wondering if we were supposed to just trust Bill after the hot ass mess he was last season? If that is what the flashbacks are meant to prove then FAIL.

I guess I should say I loved this ep in relation to a lot of the last season. Being from Dallas, I had a good laugh over the Republican gala. Also, Sara's character is always good for a laugh, too.

What?! I loved this ep. Mostly because of Lafayette's incredible speech to Jessica. It was wonderful.

It is THE worst.