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    Wow, I had no idea Amazon picked it up until I looked just now! Now let's just hope the AV Club cares enough to cover it on here when it finally airs :)

    Now it's my turn to be sorry for the late reply! Just want to say I appreciate your thoughts. And I agree about the phone, ARGGHH! Fingers crossed for season 3? :)

    Sorry you felt that way, amigo. I dug it.

    Interesting! I'm up for it

    Nobody in Homeland has been menaced by a mountain lion yet. I'm sticking with Team Homeland on this one.

    Jump forward that far with Saul in custody? No way they'll squander that drama. They'll likely start up around the same time with Carrie addressing the President's actions and trying to clear Saul.

    I know what you mean, with the IMDB threads gone, AV CLUB is my go-to for discussion! I assume they will cover it here eventually when it airs in the U.S. but that "Pivot" channel that aired season one is now gone :(

    Damnit, someone needs to cover season 2 because shit is popping off and I need to talk about it with somebody!

    And here:

    More here with English subtitles:

    And I understand they'll be releasing a single for the theme song with a spate of remixes.

    Turned the trailer off after 30 seconds.

    Sometimes a shrinking audience and being an underdog can bring out the hunger in a seasoned veteran. I love these international Conan outings!

    I generally enjoy reading vitriolic internet comments. It makes me laugh to read angry people chasing their own tails. But in this case it was disheartening. People say Hollywood has unfair standards of beauty until it's time to fat-shame someone who doesn't fit that ridiculous "ideal." Anyway, back to the

    Mindy was on Colbert last night. This morning I read the Youtube comments on her clips. You ask, "Can Hollywood move past body-shaming?" Hell, regular people apparently can't move past it. You expect Hollywood to? We have a lot of work to do.

    Only my opinion but:

    Wow, every time I see a new photo of Winkler, he looks a little bit more like Garry Marshall. It's been a fascinating transformation.

    When the funnymen pretended to fall asleep, my mouth made laughing noises.

    A 4-minute version of the theme song could help boost viewership. Okay maybe not, but I want it.

    I was in the back of the balcony so I doubt I'm in the recording, but damn that was a great show!