
My favorite cover of Thunder Road is by Cowboy Junkies. It's my favorite of any version of that song.

I get frustrated with the younger generations virtual worship of him. I agree he's a talented producer. Other than that I couldn't be more bored and disinterested with the guy.

You're all good, man. I shouldn't have resorted to name calling. That was passive aggressive, childish and rude of me. My apologies.

Yes!!! I discovered that back in the Wild West of Napster. Ha!

Kanye West is and always will be the most overrated rapper in anything. I've confirmed it and I can't listen to him. His voice makes me want to punch things.

Such a vigilant fanboy

Fair enough

Why the question mark? Are you asking me? I don't fucking know. He's the millennial's pied piper as far as I'm concerned. The sound of his voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me.

I've never been so disinterested in an artist but so interested in what everybody has to say about them.

I get why you like him.

What's the reason they love him?

I really want to see this movie now, and Valhalla Rising.

That was very cool of them to consider the service industry folks out there tonight. Classy move, AV staff. I wish you were my patrons.

Lindsanity is great.
