Joe Blow

"The Gang Solves the North Korea Situation" is the title of episode.
Just … want anyone who's reading this comment to know that.
Anyone who's reading this 16+ days later, like I am.

Awww, buddy.
You need to head on over to watch reruns of South Park.
It's not as good as it used to be, but the episodes are always there.
All are welcome. All are welcome!

Very much so; I mean, it's typically borderline male-on-male rape. To each her own so no judgement there. But still…

Just … be careful. There's somethings out there that can't be unseen.
(shudders at the memories)

Go back to Vienna you sausage!

But terribly hot. TERRIBLY hot.

To lallycollie and everyone else who might read this response: yes, by
this point in the show she would've been over 21 (and Alison Brie was,
by this point, over 30).

I—I love you Trace! And Joel! And Kevin! And Mike! And Bill! And all the good folks who made MST3K!