
So glad they brought back my favorite running joke from season 1. "Be careful it goes off for like, no reason."

Can't we all just agree that there are no bad episodes of Archer, only less than amazing ones?

Probably one of the best episodes of Archer yet. They didn't overdo the recurring jokes but still had a few in there that were genuinely funny (being unconscious is super bad for you). Also Barry's insanity gets more entertaining with every episode its in. And I love the subtle references to terminator in this episode

I think Dandys magic gun was another reference to American Psycho. Remember? Patrick Bateman never had to reload and he blew up a few cars with his magic gun. Granted, it was probably all in his head and this wasn't, but still. It's also possible Dandy reloaded when he was off screen for a minute or two. It doesn't

dandy fulfilled his evolution so I'm satisfied with the ending. Honestly having him not kill all the freaks would have been the real cop out. I mean it's what they've been so obviously building to all season. What would be the point of his character if he just ended up dying without having actually killed any of the

Yeah I had some trouble with it first and it kind of sucks that AHS has become a show that you need to turn your brain off to enjoy. Honestly though I'm not even sure that asylum was that great writing wise. Maybe freak show seems lower quality because it's the only season I havent binge watched on Netflix. After the

I don't know about you guys, but after this episode Freak Show is my favorite season behind Asylum. It's a little better than Murder House and miles ahead of Coven. Sure there were 3 episodes after Mordrake pt. 2 that were awful, but these last few have really made up for it. I don't watch AHS for coherent storylines


Alien Isolation "kind of sucks" and is "deeply flawed"? No, fuck you it's perfect

Till they forgot about it literally one episode later