Evil Genius

Too many news games, too little time to play them well and simply not enough money to buy them :(

It's important but its not the final say so.
If anything the latest GB film is proof positive that fan led responses are not always acknowledged. Art is indeed a vision, sometimes it comes from collaborative effort too. However I'd be really hesitant to call GhostBusters art. It's a product. Its a business designed

Thanks for the respectful reply Chaka but I have to disagree.


Because that's what James said in his video

My argument still stands - would you cast a white man to play the part of Mulan or Pocahontas? No because the idea is just stupid.

I have a new word for a stawman vs strawman argument: its called a Haystack!

I agree with your post Anion :) well said.

"And why not make Steve Rogers gay?"

well said

Wow, what a smack down. We're all trembling in abject terror now!

This article is going to do wonders for his YouTube channel. Jesse may have inadvertently made people go and watch him videos and possibly agree with his point of view.

James Bond should be an albino transgender Kalahari Bushman

Exactly - provide evidence please

Dear Jesse,
I saw James's video and I honestly believe it was a reasonable, fair and balance response to a new film which he doesn't like. I've seen both trailers and we all know the 1st one was an appalling mess and the 2nd one is not that much better. On that basis I'm not going to bother seeing the film. If the

Never seen this show but have heard great things about it.

Hmm, I'm disappointed by this news but not surprised since TD season 2 was a mess and no where near as good as season 1.

Love how you went for the ad hominen attack by calling me racist, so that lets me say go fuck yourself first off. Just because I don't like the idea of casting a women or someone non white in the role of Bond doesn't automatically make me a racist but you saying I am makes you a judgemental dickhole. I believe in

No - Bonds race & gender have EVERYTHING to do with the series success. He is the product of the English system, sent to a private school, entered the Navy, joined M16 etc etc etc. All this establishes his background which, in case you have forgotten, is called character building. Make Bond black, Asian, female

I'm ok with this.