Jay Perry

Cartoon Amino use to be great for Steven Universe content. Then people complained that there was too much SU content, and the mods created a Steven Universe app.
Once that happened, it got over run by high school kids doing fan art. I was so salty, I would give Pearl a run for her money.

That's what really got to Zuke. She's gay herself, and took great offense to that. Rightfully so.


"Is this…HURT?!" That had me rolling.

Don't forget "We Need to Talk," where Greg said "Can you talk to me for one second, like a real person?"
Rose responded "But I'm not a real person."

And left his family behind!

Everything gets rebooted eventually. I assume that SU will come back one day. Maybe it'll be an anime.

I think that Rose lead pearl on because Pearl was such a great fighter. In order to win a war, she needed all of the soldiers shr could get.

"Don't patronize me sir."

Lol, Steven Universe will soon be like the Simpson's: Endlessly quotable.

Rebecca has said before that if the three of them fought, Garnet would easily win. I think that Pearl and Amethyst realize this.
Plus, she's harder on them then she is on Steven. She won't hesitate to give them a head smack if they've being stupid.
"It doesn't matter what you two think. WE'RE DOING THIS FOR STEVEN!

Maybe he could, but it would be shitty of Lapis to stand there and do nothing. Lapis did the right thing.

I love how she didn't want him to touch the plate. I always love examples of responsible mothering on this show.

Also, what if pink diamond was the one who set off that bomb.
That would explain Yellow Diamond's anger towards earth.

I avoided spoilers like the plague, but I could get a sense that Garnet was important, from the way that fans reacted.
But I just thought that she would come out as gay or something. I didn't suspect the fusion reveal.

Same here.

Pearl needs to read that book: "She's Just Not That Into You."
But I also suspect that Rose knew that Pearl liked her, and didn't say anything about it. Why?
She needed Pearl for the war.
A "terrifying renegade pearl" was just what she needed to strike fear into her enemies.
So instead of telling Pearl the truth, she

Detailed backgrounds,
Those cost somethin,
Good cast designs,
Those cost somethin,
A Story with heart,
Don't cost nothin,
I'd rather go for that emmyyyy."

Where is that feline?

Remember that SU is partially inspired by "The Simpsons."
In The Simpsons universe, weird and surreal things happen all the time, witg nobody blinking an eye.