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    Paget was probably the best thing about this last season of Community (and it was a very very good last season)

    Anyone find it odd that Elliot's vision of his family continues to exclude his sister Darlene? At the end, its just Mr.Robot, Mom, and younger Elliott. Has he forgotten her again, or does he just not really acknowledge her as part of the psychology of his family? Is it something even deeper or weirder than that?

    When Jasper was trying to convince Lapis to fuse with her in Prison Break, I wondered whether she could force her to do it if she refused? At the time, I dismissed the possibility out of hand, because it was apparent that fusion was analogous to sex, and consent was the defining feature of fusion. I really didnt think

    Better than that… she just assumed that Ronaldo was the Frybo mascot. heh heh. Pearl attempting to interact with humans continues to be. the. best.

    Great episode! But i'm really curious about this exchange:
    Connie: Did Rose make you feel like you were nothing?
    Pearl: Rose made me feel like I was everything!

    you mean when I said " I really hate HOW this reviewer …"? yeah, thats still not 'personal'. But let me put it this way — had I actually said "I hate this REVIEWER", that would still be a professional criticism. Getting 'personal' is if I say, "I hate Kayla the human being" - and if you think that anything I wrote is

    Hey there. thanks for the feedback, but im not sure you understand what 'to get personal' actually means, at least in regards to my comment. Everything I wrote was a professional criticism about the way the reviews have been handled by this reviewer. the difference is subtle, i know, but you're in the wrong there.

    You know, while I really enjoy reading reviews of episodes of tv shows I like here at the AV Club, and the caliber of analysis has been almost universally excellent, I really hate how this reviewer has become so determined to take a piss on this show for what feels like almost the entire year. Im more than happy to

    well, the lemon never falls far from the tree.