Jean Michel

How so?

"Hey I get it but as a sitcom all I ask for is character development"

Great nickname. Now that I think about it, I'm actually surprised I haven't seen anyone use it before.

That episode didn't feel plausible at all! Nobody uses "screen savers" anymore!

Fair enough. Having said that, I'd much rather have a good show that resets itself than, say, what happened to "The Big Bang Theory" (which evolved into, quoting GLC, "four morons, sitting around, whining about their dates") - sure, the rating are terrific (the target has obviously shifted), but the show itself no


Nice. That being said, the "Speakers" page is a bit weird. It still lists Gavin as CEO, and also… Aly Dutta? Pretty sure that his first name is Naveen, and that character is played by an actor whose first name happens to be "Aly".

"I don't understand why the showrunners can't see the comedic potential in having Richard succeed and slowly morph into some version of Gavin"

"Apparently the glue in the wedding invitations was… toxic…"

Like that shit-deal you brought me from Hanneman

Insanity later.

Yup. But I've seen worse. Like that shit deal you brought me from Hanneman.

Perhaps that writer should focus on shows that are more up his alley, The Big Bang Theory comes to mind

I don't know, but it seems to me that this season is a bit more grotesque than the previous three. Action is heavily accelerated and doesn't seem plausible. First sending Jack to the basement, where he didn't even ASK about his promotion beforehand; and in this episode the handing over of Pied Piper which seemed to

No matter - what was shown so far was poorly executed. Whatever follows notwithstanding.


The entire "sending Jack to the basement" thing didn't work IMO. Jack's reaction was too upbeat and he did not act like the shark that he is - at all! He would never have reached his "desk" because he'd knew what was going on by the time he realized that his desk is in a "sub-basement". That sequence was grotesque and

Neither of the three sounds involved (ba, dum, ts) is actually a rimshot.

"sarcastically rim-shotting every joke"

I'm not sure I get it - is it just because what it means in German?