
So do leftists, the entire administration is known for it.

You are leftists. Your mind is made up. One does not drop their political convictions on the spot. It takes time and is voluntary.

India is a fine example of the state granting monopolies. In particular, a car company would produce a blatant copy of a 1960s English car in the 1980s. Not only was it very poor in quality, but it had a wait list that lasted years. Institutional capture sounds like a recipe for failure for a company.

Standard Oil was losing it's share in the business before it was broken up.

Good save on the last line. XD

Alternative media exists and anecdotal claims, while a logical fallacy, do carry some weight with the common man. It cannot buy out all this stuff and manage to stay competitive before other firms open and the rest realize something is fishy.

Supply and Demand. If you raise prices you reduce demand. They can jack up prices all they want, but if the competition has lower prices.

Why wouldn't someone open up new stores to compete with the now unethical store? Also, the state still exists and slaughtering babies is a violation of the rights of both baby and mother.

Smears and lies will not remain unanswered. It also greatly entertains me to set those straight who do not understand objectivism or economics. What would we have done without the intrusion of a faux "voice of reason"

The become known the same way most things are discovered. Journalism and people complaining about it.

If you are deemed fair and honest, as opposed to a firm that is not, it adds additional value and pull to whatever the honest one is selling.

Difference between economic and political power…

The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged sold steadily all through those decades. Do read the links I sent you. Also, the value of her life does not invalidate an once of her philosophy.

Don't do business with those known to deal unethically. Simple as that. Predatory lending is fraud. (I mentioned the role of the state) You describe a scenario that is all too typical of a mixed economy. Corporation's goal is to make money. If they do so dishonestly, they compromise their sustainability and would


It's kind of like voting for a single payer and then dying in line to wait for your healthcare. All those people believed in central planning, which lead to their death in a scenario that would have never happened if it weren't for bureaucrats.

Because it violates the rights and innocence of the children they portray. Try again.

Do enjoy these lovely sites with references to those close to her had to say about that.

That isn't an argument because it provided no evidence other than "look at history" which is so big it is meaningless. I looked at history and I have concluded that monopolies can only survive if it is supported by the state, or if the state is the monopoly itself. I have also seen that the State has killed around 300

Seriously, explain it. I am well read in economics to break down your leftist refuse.