
Most women would be angry if a guy implied he would help make a problem go away in exchange for a blow job and then admitted he was lying as soon as the deed was done, but I think Fig kind of found it a turn on.

You know, I don't see how people can bail on a show that quickly when the whole thing is served up on a silver platter for your binge watching pleasure. Having to watch tedious episode after tedious episode, week after week, can certainly make me drop a show if I feel there's no payoff on the distant horizon. But

She's running a business with the potential to net almost $200k per year and paying her workers with flavor packets that they would just be able to buy themselves from the commissary except that she bought out the whole stash in order to create an artificially high value for something that cost her almost nothing. The

You have to consider the power dynamics. Fig was Caputo's boss. She had all the power. She made his life miserable, she had no respect for him, she exploited the prisoners and her employees for personal gain, and she was willing to take the gamble that a small sexual favor would let her get away from a big mess of her

She's also someone who doesn't get close to many people. In her line of work, most people function as tools, and tools are only useful if they are expendable, if you don't let yourself care about them. Most of the women at Litchfield would have, on the outside, been tools- either her customers or her drug mules. She

I love how it highlights their priorities, though. They're running Litchfield so half-assed that they are probably going to end up endangering the lives of every inmate there and no one cares or is held accountable in any way as long as this quarter's numbers look good, but there's zero tolerance for offensive words.

It wasn't her religion or her politics, it was her teeth. It's hard to like someone when your own teeth start to hurt any time they smile.

Just don't watch it tired. I was so confused after the first couple of episodes that I watched alone late at night, but my husband wanted to watch it so I re-watched those with him and now everything makes more sense. So many characters and subplots to keep track of that I feel like I need to take notes- but it's very

But to be fair, if I had to spend a year in federal prison, I think hanging out with a cool girlfriend and doing nothing in particular might be the best way to spend it. Especially since all the books got burned.

It went way beyond just taking the fall or stashing some stuff in their store, I think. There's a scene in the first season where she is advising the Russian mobster about how he should get into government and hospital contracts, and you can see how they start taking her seriously, even as they send her husband off to