
I think choosing Poussey was not just about killing a beloved character, but about choosing the character who also had the best chance of making something of her life outside prison and then stealing that chance from her.

Pretty good list! Number 5, though- I don't think blackmailing Fig for personal gain was inherently horrible, but I'll keep it on the list because of what she asked for. Permission to marry Larry? Seriously, Piper. Ask for something you would actually enjoy, like real maple syrup for your morning pancakes.

I think what will be the most fun with the Martha Stewart character is adding celebrity entitlement to the mix. Piper and Soso weren't really given any special treatment by the guards or the population just because they led a privileged life up until they arrived, but every inmate, and probably guard, at Litchfield

I have a lot of of thirty-something upper-class white friends and collectively they sport a lot of ink. It's just discreet to a certain degree, not unlike a white on white tattoo. One friend, a woman in her thirties who is a lawyer with one of the biggest firms in the Northeast, has prominent tattoos covering both her

The thing with Morello is that we got more than a full season of episodes in which she was the sweet, kind of kooky, loveable van driver. It was only after you had a chance to really love her for who she seemed to be that you found out that she was also completely, chillingly, certifiably crazy. It's hard to stop

The show diverged almost immediately from the book. It really is just a loosely based premise that the show follows. However, the primary reason to keep Piper as a character is that she is one vehicle by which the writers of the show can make commentary and criticism of the upper class social elite. You are not

Yeah, I didn't count Pennsatucky because she only got a reprieve due to a technicality.

I agree that I really worried over the lack of medical attention except for one thing. The only reason they didn't tell anyone was that, with as messed up as the prison is, the only "help" Soso was going to get from those in charge was a one way ticket to the psych ward. Suzanne is the only person we know of who has

What if… well, I guess like in any other job interview process the prepared, professional people who read the script and are able to present themselves to the best effect will be more likely to be hired. Oh, and even though I am a female who has worked in the entertainment industry and knows quite a number of women

This is why I had to binge-watch the first two seasons shortly before the 3rd season was released. There's so much to remember . But it's easier to do that when there are only a few seasons. Not sure what I'll do in a few years.

I think you may be placing undue importance on basic necessities. It's a scientific fact that you can go at least a couple of days without any sleep before you start to hallucinate. That's plenty of time for finishing a 13 episode season. Twice, even.

Women going to an audition are professional actresses. They know how to dress and how to prepare. "Please wear black" is an okay statement because it is a specific requirement that is not the same for all auditions. "Read script for context" is so obvious as to be insulting. "Oh, golly gee, you mean I can understand

I agree- it's really hard to prosecute someone for saying they just can't recall. Confronted with any hard evidence, say a photo of her shaking his hand, all she really has to say is "Oh, that was Kubra? Oh, yeah, now I remember. Sorry, my memory was a little hazy this winter after that prison yard fight and the month

Amanita is my favorite character because "I sense a costume opportunity" is pretty much my life-motto.

Oh, thank god! I have found my people. Er, my person.

All but the last 8 episodes of Breaking Bad, I think. She arrived at Litchfield sometime in fall of 2012, so as long as it was post-September 2, she could have finished season 5A. And really, if you had the choice of dates to self surrender, who wouldn't wait until the Breaking Bad season concluded? To do otherwise is

Too soap-opera to actually do it, but I really enjoyed picturing for just a second what it would be like if Neri showed up at Litchfield. Bottom line, I'm pretty sure she'd kick Piper's ass and end up head of the prison panty gang by lunch the first day.

You would care about what it would do to next season's story arc. Even delusional, power-tripping, Walter-White-Piper would be gutted by that kind of loss, which would unnecessarily and, I think, negatively, impact the tone of the season. A dead (ex)girlfriend is no fun for anyone.

I really hope that he looks as unrecognizable in real life as most of the actresses do when they're out of beige prison garb. Poor guy!

Sometimes, though, reintroducing a plot point offers insight into a character because of the new way in which they handle a seemingly familiar situation. That's actually why I (apparently sitting all alone in the world) have really enjoyed the Alex and Piper storyline. It is the same damn thing time and time again,