
Art, Michael. It was art. In tweet form.

It was interesting to hear him mention that the organization he sent the info to forgives the data with no adverse tax impacts. That was interesting that he brought that up - I wonder what that means, whether they can do it because they're a nonprofit or because they've found a way to get around that issue you

I can't wait to hear about the raging coke parties they held after filming wrapped for the day.

Unfortunately, this movie's existence kinda pokes a big hole in the theory of evolution too.

"That means it's working!"

Now THAT I would pay to see.

Nobody's done "God's Not Dead Part Deux"?

Are we sure this movie isn't intended as satire?

How that didn't get a Best Picture nomination when Bridge of Spies did…I absolutely understand why (it's a Spielberg film), and I also cannot believe it.

"Shmoel and Liniado’s plan actually goes further than that, though, because the new Circuit City will also be “targeted directly at millennials”

"Talk about a tough pill to swallow."

“the children really liked it. And George’s idea was to make a movie that lasted for 20-30 years, not to make a movie that lasted for one. So the children who saw Phantom Menace are now adults and they’re kind of wondering why everybody had a problem with Jar Jar.”

Good work if you can get it.

"The first movie I saw from start to finish via this project was Lockout (or Space Jail, as my friends and I all call it, because we can never remember the actual title)."

If elected, Donald Trump will make sure every American can make $8420 a munth. Just you wait.

Hey. Guys. Chile out.

Weren't you just posting above here?

Hope it's not Fox News, since we know viewers of The Daily Show and Colbert Report (rest in peace) were better informed than Fox "NEWS?!" viewers.

"The No. 1 winner, however, requires further reflection. We’ve included it below: Does its victory redeem Earth’s questionable musical tendencies? Or does it damn the planet further? Only time, and anyone with an Internet connection, will be the judge."