Jeremy M

Nothing in Game of Thrones will ever top depicting an ancient woods witch - described as covered in warts, with yellow eyes, no teeth, and a sickly green-looking face (her name is Maggy the FROG, for fuck's sake) - with a young, incredibly attractive actress:

Jesus Christ, here you fucking go again. It wasn't bad enough that we had to stomach your hilariously misguided and consistently spoilery comments in the Breaking Bad reviews, now you're back to peddle your bullshit in Better Call Saul reviews, too. You're 100% more irritating than Fiona Fire or anyone else here, so

Don't mind me, just wanted to jump on the "You're a complete fucking asshole" train here.

With the benefit of hindsight, I can safely say that "follow[ing] Alan Taylor's career path" isn't something I'd wish on anyone, let alone Michelle McLaren.

Yeah, this is more or less exactly how it turned out, laughably enough. I think you called this one!

I'll never understand why or how people could've ever thought that Tony "retired" at the end of Iron Man 3. Besides all the in-movie explanations for what he did, the entire film literally ends with him stating, "I AM Iron Man."

You got your wish!

I finished the series a while ago (and I'm actually burning right through my official re-watch), and you were 110% right. What a ride.

Guess again.

Haha really? At the rate things are going now I'd be SHOCKED, but stranger things have happened I guess!

I think my biggest issues were that the Oliver/Laurel stuff was wholly uninteresting and unconvincing, and the subplot with Roy pretty much came out of nowhere and felt ridiculously rushed. I can deal with the soap opera-ish elements with a CW show and all the stuff that comes with that, but those two things were

Yep, that's a great point. They made it work with Agent Carter because he had such a small role as a random cop in The Avengers, but I'm sure they want to avoid that in the future.

2 months is definitely not incredibly late! Hell, I only watched Breaking Bad last year, and I left plenty of comments in the AV Club reviews as I worked my way through the show years after the episodes originally aired, and they're still being upvoted and responded to today.

It's not misogyny…unless you can't find any fault in Walt, of course. I'd say he's more of an "awful person who has done awful things" and deserves FAR more hate than Skyler.

It's not misogyny…unless you can't find any fault in Walt, of course. I'd say he's more of an "awful person who has done awful things" and deserves FAR more hate than Skyler.

Coming from 2 years in the future, this comment deserves MANY more upvotes than you got. For shame, AV Club. For shame.

Coming from 2 years in the future, this comment deserves MANY more upvotes than you got. For shame, AV Club. For shame.

Why not? Enclosed and controlled space, no witnesses, easy clean-up, somewhat plausible excuse to get Walt to come with him in the first place…seems like perfect sense to me.

I've heard of "Happy drunks", "Sad drunks", and "Angry drunks"…time to add "Insightful drunks" to the list!

Exactly. I'm only up to this episode, but pretty much everything that's happened so far is directly a result of Walter's ego and pride. He could've avoided ALL of this simply by accepting Gretchen and Elliot's "charity" way back in season 1. He could've stopped being in the drug business way before the Tuco mess