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    Now that would make a very Good Morning Baltimore!!!

    Yeah, no, not even close. I do find it amusing that he get's sued so often that he thinks this'll work. It won't, if he was immune from lawsuits he'd have his precious travel ban now.

    Great list, truly a great set of choices… one of them should've been The Body. That was the episode that just solidified that this cast deserved awards for their performances. The opening scene where Buffy finds The Body? Should've gotten SMG an Emmy nod.

    Agreed, he just has a great delivery that can sell a line. I still remember Kitchen Confidential (Everyone go buy that on DVD now… thank me later) and he had a way of delivering his dialogue on that show that was impeccable. He knew when to drop his voice, when to pause, it just felt absolutely natural. It still stuns

    None have ever cause me to quit watching a show. I don't understand that idea at all. I mean does anyone actually watch a show just for one character? When characters I love die I'm shocked, I'm stunned, my jaw drops and then I need to see the next episode even more to see the aftermath. I don't get how the heck

    I genuinely enjoyed this episode, mostly because of Jaime Lee. The scene right at the end where she explains what she did was absolutely hilarious and so well performed. The rest was OK, I can take or leave, but Dean Munsch is easily the best thing about this show

    For a TV show of any kind to have a main cast entirely over 70 is shockingly rare which honestly would make this show special but I have to agree, the performances of the main 4 are genuinely great… I've only seen a few episodes but already I prefer this to the comedies that network TV are churning out lately. It's

    I'd say she would be, I mean the name, the accent, the love of knives all reads Ilsa. And for the others, Desiree is there mostly for her boobs which was a huge element of exploitation, Dot and Bette are the innocents that get turned into sluts, Jimmy made his living fingering people at parties. We have the entire

    Every season so far has seemed to take on a different aspect of the horror genre. The First season was ghost stories, haunted houses and the like. Season 2 was a mixture of psychological and body horror. Season 3 was pure camp, having fun with their subject matter at every turn. This season, quite simply, is taking on

    Everything involving Pepper's backstory and her getting placed in Briarcliff was emotional and pure, brilliantly done. I'm mostly impressed by the restraint that they showed when they did the murder of the baby. They could've easily shown what was going on inside that room, they could've had a fake dead baby to look

    I'm not sure why people think there's too much going on with this season because… well, that's what American Horror Story has always done, that's part of the fun. It's the series that just throws everything at the wall and see's what sticks, that's a huge part of why it's become weirdly fascinating to watch, like

    I swear throughout Ma Petite's drowning scene, all i could scream was "Fuck you" over and over again because they were killing an innocent… then it was a dream, so I yelled it again only louder

    Wait, Paul isn't dead… I mean yeah he was injured but they never explicitly said he was dead did they? Did I miss that?

    I love this year so much. I mean granted I want to see Lange play someone other than "Evil jealous bitch monster", which seems to be what the plays every season (She's amazing doing it, but something new would be nice) but still everything is good. I cried when Meep was killed, full sobs and everything. And I think