
My those grapes are sour.

I was firmly of this opinion until I listened to this album. Listen to it. You'll be surprised.

I haven't watched Dark Matter but Wynonna Earp is great fun.

She's Wyatt's granddaughter. The show is really quite good.

Just got to say I flat out started crying when i read Lana's letter. I've never had a cancellation of a show effect me in such a way as this show did, it hit me like a ton of bricks. So glad to know that we're at least getting some closure.

I think the answer to this could be legitimately season 3 spoilers right now


Lito spent years hiding his sexuality from the public. He can keep a secret when he feels like he really needs to keep that secret.

It's entirely possible they just haven't made contact yet. They aren't the most trusting lot by default and Lito is a very public person by their standards.

I agree about Lito's arc this season and I think you said it beautifully. Coming out is a process, not one declaration and you're done. It's different for everyone too. I'm really enjoying how Sense8 is showing this with Lito. No his storyline hasn't stalled at all, it's just taking the time to get him where he needs

Awesome Murderous Korean Grandma is going to be the name of the rock band I don't plan on forming.

People who use SJW as an insult are cute. Pretty sure anyone involved with this show (audience included) wears that badge with honor.

Kala has her whole entire family. Especially her Mom and Dad. They'd move heaven and earth for her.

You might want to start watching the news then, exclusively. This show has a message and it's not afraid to say it.

You forgot to mention Awesome Murderous Korean Grandma who I forget her name.

I love every single one of them to an absurd degree.

If you start it's damn hard to stop watching them. The action is upped this season in a really good way.

I was shouting and punching the air by the end. I am impressed.

Ah my bad, I read farther down the comments.

I just binged the whole season. I'm not going to spoil anything but if you loved Season 1 you'll love this.