
There's no direct quote from him confirming that he's doing all five in that THR article.

Just two things:

This is a joke right? The editing in that Arya scene is too much - it cuts far too much between far too many angles. The scene itself is not actually exciting, it's not fast paced or anything of that sort, so the editing is completely out of proportion to that because it's not complimenting the scene, it's forcing

I think the season was okay in places (the Cersei stuff, Hardhome) to mediocre in others (Sand Snakes, Stannis) for the most part but the last two episodes were awful enough for me to consider the whole thing bad. It's easily the worst season the show has produced thus far.

Oh I'm not necessarily praising Vinyl - I think it was a pretty inconsistent and messy show and even its best episodes, like the finale, weren't any better than a "B" grade. But episodes like "Mother's Mercy"? I'd say a C would be being generous. It's the most accurate episode of the show in terms of representing the

Heh, I like how you don't actually offer up any defense of my criticism of that stupid plotline with Melisandre. I'm no Stannis fanboy. He's far from my favorite character in the show or the books. I just like plots and characters to make sense and for the showrunners to not insult my intelligence in so transparent a

Weakest is being generous. I thought it was mostly bad, especially the finale was godawful. One of the worst episodes from a major show I've ever seen. It was so terribly written, and there was nothing particularly interesting about the directing or editing or anything in it, that I was gobsmacked when it won Emmys.

Eh, it was sloppy and inconsistent but nowhere near as bad as GOT season 5. I thought the last few episodes of Vinyl were pretty good overall, especially this one.

The fact that Bridge of Spies wasn't even nominated for Best Director was kind of ridiculous to me.

I'm glad she didn't say that. She's come a long way since that catchphrase honestly and it just would have felt out of place here.

Honestly, I think any Tim Van Patten or Allen Coulter directed episode deserves to be dissected (and you'll find more to talk about than eyelines *cough*) in a film class. Certainly two of the best directors working in TV today (and have been since The Sopranos). I hope they can find their way onto GoT sometime so we

I think the iris shot was used once in season 4 when Capone kills that cop but yeah outside of that it hasn't been done. I don't mind.