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    uhh, the best ongoing series, in my opinion, is Alan Moore's "Providence." Can't believe it didn't even get a mention.

    I couldn't help but wonder how does Floyd know so much about the Kansas City operation? She's not exactly an inside man. What does being a snitch even matter, if you're snitching on the ones you're at war with?

    Yea, this was the first time, that i noticed at least, where they addressed a food shortage issue. Really wondering how this is going to play out now, especially since they're already eating crickets..

    I was on the fence with this show for a while. The moment that made me stop wanting to tune in was when I had to sit thru the Black/White flashback montage of what the show felt were the great "Ben and Leslie" moments. It was cringe inducing. and just felt so trite. The show really peaked during seasons 2 and 3.

    Not sure if this was already mentioned, but Britta Phillips also appears alongside Wareham in Frances, Ha