Lady Bug

OJ might have thought that Ron & Nicole were screwing, but I don't remember there being any actual evidence that he and Nicole were having sex. There may have been rumors/innuendos about that, but from what I recall, it was more the case of the "world's unluckiest waiter" who happened to pick up the call that Nicole's

I faked sick to stay home and watch the verdict-in 5th grade.

And floating down the Denial River!

"JESUS!.. Please protect us in this, our hour of need." (from the other hurricane episode)

I think they took the "Homer is a bad parent" thing to the extreme in this episode and they didn't need to. For example, they didn't have to have Homer choose not to put Bart's bumper sticker on his car. Instead, he could have had Homer putting the bumper sticker on, and it falling off & Homer being oblivious to it.

I know. It was really heartbreaking… Poor Bart

"My sun is student of the month…"

Sure, but it's going to be a great asset when he runs for President!

I do love that Lisa's favorite T.V. show is still "The Happy Little Elves" I don't think there's been a reference to that show since season 2.

It rubbed me the wrong way too. It's even more jarring when you have Homer trying to get Bart eaten by a shark contrasted to his genuinely emotional and realistic bond with Lisa. If The Simpsons did everything in Family Guy style broad strokes, it wouldn't bother me, but in this episode, it's disturbing and out of

LOL, I love Pete, but I totally agree with you. :)

A thing like that!

As long as we get a Pete Campbell/Bob Benson scene!

Good point, I think the scene between Pete, Ted and Peggy from season 6 shows that not only does Pete care about Peggy, but he does genuinely respect her.

I disagree with you about Pete, I thought at the end of Bonnie's little speech, he did have an 'a-ha' moment and he did actually get Bonnie's point. At the end, he grabbed the real-estate sign to put it back up-just like she wanted. MW has made various comments about how out of all of the characters, Pete's the one