Every adolescent boy's fantasy no doubt.
Every adolescent boy's fantasy no doubt.
To ignore his legitimate son and heir and favor a bastard from a man his wife betrayed him with????
Almost impossible considering the laws and religious rules of the day.
These are not Klingons - or Elizabethan English.
It's a lot more basic and personal here - not a morality tale, rather plain old vengeance.
Ruthless but accurate.
What are you on about????
Yes, as I recall, Celtic society was at one point so free between the rights of the sexes that only "sister's son" would inherit a title because that was the only parent that could be assured.
You're right on all counts. At that age, with that patriarchal, early Christian society, Judith would have been killed or forced into a nunnery. Her own family would have abandoned her for her illicit behavior, never supported her.
That whole premise is nonsense. NO cripple, chariot or not, could be a great warrior, all anyone needed to do was knock him down and he was helpless - not like rolling over to a sleeping person and knifing them the way he did at one point.
I thought Athelstan was a mess, always looking for something to hang onto instead of taking responsibility and control of his life.
Wimpy, moony, going from religious mania to religious mania — and having no problem getting Judith pregnant and abandoning her.
Not much of hero by any standard.
You need to watch morality plays and read your bible - this show is about Vikings and they are obviously not to your liking.
You are completely wrong about Norse peoples being misogynistic and patriarchal.
In a time of complete male dominance in most of the world, Viking society held FREE women equal to free men, with the same property rights and voting rights.
Jerund is correct in that respect.
Not really — the exception was a marriage vow, they did not play fast and lose with that and there were penalties involved for betrayal.
Judith is a ludicrous character, badly written, lamely portrayed.
NO woman of that era spouted that kind of politically correct babble.
No idea why she was thrown in the mix, she's just ridiculous.
Some truth there — but not all. Vikings were a result of Norse peoples who did not have land to feed a growing population.
At one point they were nearly wiped out by wars, disease, crop freezes.
That they came back as a force to be reckoned with is amazing and a testament to their stamina, intelligence, and courage.
Seer never said she wouldn't be pregnant - SHE WAS pregnant by Kalf and lost the child.
That princess was indeed gorgeous, but so wimpy and passive that I wanted to smack her silly —- NO Norse free woman worth her keep would act like that.
Right, and that gets more bizarre every time - we now have a lesbian partner to Lagertha who is just overcome with passion and pleasure by a big guy with a d I c k.
Do these writers even have sex with women????
That is Torvi, not Helga who is Bjorn's betrayed partner.
Pretty lame review to begin with, can at least get the characters straight.
Actually, Viking warriors had a life span, on average, of only 29 years.
Very definitely insinuated that Ragnar took her away from Rollo, it was an early bone of contention between the two.
Not at all sure that she did not sleep with Rollo before Ragnar - no reason she shouldn't have.