
o.k., that's very clever but you shouldn't let your t.v. talk so much - pull the plug.

Right on all counts.
The plots and machinations - including some of the language - is now so lame and mixed with modern ways that it is not Viking, it is a bad soap opera that seems to go nowhere.

He isn't supposed to be likeable —- more importantly, he isn't supposed to be crippled either, that just does not work at all.

Except that there was never any mention of opiates in any Viking legends or sagas - the drug of choice was mead or wine and there's no denying they drank a lot when they had it, but opiates????
That Chinese girl was another complete dead end - no rhyme or reason except it made for some perverse scenes with snakes and

Agreed, I've been saying that right along — it renders the whole series absurd now.

Are you basing that on the fiction by Harry Harrison in which Ivar was a sadistic, impotent character?

Absolute nonsense - try reading some actual English/Danish history.

They had a lot more difficulty with Christianity because Jesus - "the white Christ"- seemed so wimpy to them in allowing himself to be crucified. He seemed powerless and weak to them. Christianity was initially a religion of the oppressed - slaves, women in male dominated cultures, etc.- those who needed a reward

Your girlfriend needs a new boyfriend, one who doesn't badmouth her and hold her in contempt.

Of course he couldn't have been crippled.
Read somewhere that "boneless" was also slang for impotent - whatever it meant, it wasn't a cripple who rode around in a magic chariot that had good, passable roads appear right in front of it on any terrain.

Yes, versions are different. U.S. seems to get an abridged version.

He didn't fracture anything. Vikings never much became a cohesive army, the raided, split up, went home. They were NOT controlled by any one leader for any length of time, just wasn't their style of fighting.

Right - somebody fast thought a definition of "boneless" and now it is an absolutely absurd storyline. NO cripple could have been a great warrior and Ivar would have been able bodied enough.

Right on all counts. Writers are making a very bad habit of starting things that go nowhere.

Nope - read that and just - nope.

No, it wasn't shown on the regular History channel in the U.S.

Sigurd is a historical figure - who had sons, also historical, so that death was dumb and just for shock value, made absolutely NO sense.

Wealthy or highborn mothers had wet nurses and nobody was going to kill Ivar once his father had accepted him, no matter what his disability.

Very interesting.

Judith never showed much brain, just mouth.
Hard to believe this sudden peace between her and the husband she has wronged for years, first with Athelstan, then with Ecberth.
She's a totally gratuitous character - annoying and hard to credit.