Fr Jonny Hellzapoppin'

While I appreciate what you say, and think it well put and well argued, my main point about sleeping was in response to the idea that rape should be shown as it is something that happens in GoT universe, and to not show it would somehow be avoiding the subject, or not wanting to show how harsh a world it is lest more

"You are just wayyyy too sensitive."

He was saying Ramsey is a Villain Sue. Everything always goes fine for him. Ramsey Bolton has no flaws.

Fucking hell, mate.

In my defense, that's why I said 'where they find it right'. I can certainly see a point in your position. I suppose what I come back to time and again is the importance of sincere, open, engagement conducted in good faith (which can be hard).

"I think its about respect for the artistic vision of a creator, and a
desire not to have artistic works sanitized or influenced by outside

Sort of. We clearly come at things from different perspectives.

Yes, and there are people who don't believe a woman can actually be raped. Few are so clear about it as that but, when faced with the story of a rape accusation, many will run through any number of mitigating circumstances to see if it actually was rape. Was she intoxicated? How was she dressed? Could she have been

But you expect others to bow to your condescension that they should 'grow up and deal'? What makes you etc etc.

"Is nuance of opinion beyond you or something?"

Don't troll me, bro.

Fucking hell.

Banioff: Sansa, right. She's really been through the mill. I think we should ease up on that.

I would assume - as you would be wise to do - that those who took against the use and depiction of rape in GoT are well aware that rape happens. That's kind of the point.

Hmm. I think the show skirts close to just being a grim grind, and edges that bit more to being a parody of itself. It's not that the GoT universe isn't a hard one, or that our own world isn't hard. But it is not only hard. There is suffering, but there isn't only suffering. While it is false to deny there is

I sort of disagree. I think the brutality of the show works best with the sudden narrative swerves. The rape and baby murder and cock-chopping and hand-lopping has to be careful it doesn't end up like an ageing rocker looking to shock their audience, or a young teenager getting a nose ring.

In a way anyone can, and in another only those involved in bringing those depictions of rape to the screen can.


Sincerely - can you think of a good rape scene?

"You have to understand the brutality of the world Martin has created, and that Banioff and Weiss owe it to Martin not to water down or sugar coat that brutality. I mean, this is a world where women are *raped*. Yeah, just think about that. Told you it was brutal. If you can't handle a world where women are raped,