
"The best jokes are ones that need 'splaining" - Lucille Ball

Mr. James K. Polk our eleeeeeventh preeeesidennnnt

Yet another thing trump likes to piss on.

As a musician who uses soundcloud as a demo-reel of sorts for potential collaborations, I'm bummed. Any others here who use it for the same-ish know of simple, easy to use alternatives that aren't all ad-heavy and "YEAH! ROCK AND ROLL!! YEEAAAH!"?

It's fuh-MEN. Because men are stressed. Because ladies be shoppin'!

My son showed me this hot dog a few days ago. I think I was supposed to recognize it. I hope my response of "That's a cool hot dog" was satisfactory.

There's more than enough blame to go around for everybody. But yeah, Stein-ers get some too.

Saw the God Awful Movies podcast live in Seattle last night with my son. It was as hysterical as could be expected and I don't think Eli is used to edibles. My son and I got to meet them and they took pictures with him. They were gracious and generous with their time and attention. And since the audience ended up

by "elpoeP egilliV heT"

Well, I too have said about Jesus Lizard's third record that I love it so much I wish I could fuck it.

Very true. I worked in home care for disabled gentlemen and one of my clients was very autistic. He will need managed care for his entire life. It can be a heartbreaking condition.

Terriers. I think it's still on netflix.

I guess they couldn't get Philippe Vidrio.

I screenshot this and tagged David Tholfsen. He was touched.

I'm curious, does a smellhound smell, or does it "smell" smell?

Has anyone else heard the US Saucer cover of The Rose? Mudhoney's version was corny, which was their point, but US Saucer play it like the mean it. They made me love a song I used to hate. US Saucer were a pretty great band.

I've already spun the new Numero Group compilation, "Seafaring Strangers", a collection of obscure, private press "Yacht Rock" five times. I've got a soft spot for them smooth, sultry sounds of the 70s-80s skeez. Even though some of the lyrics border on creepy. You know… because of the implications…

Ha! That guy's name is Bubba the Love Sponge. His character a yokel who, uh, soaks up the santorum. Hysterical! A real knee slapper. I'm dying here.

No. Nothing about any of this makes me happy.

Up The Academy!