

It's been a power pop week for ol' Mooner. The new remaster/reissue of Game Theory's 2 Steps From the Middle Ages is worth it. Pretty vinyl, sharp audio, lotsa neat bonus tracks. It's just as good as I remember it to be. Which means a couple clunkers and power pop confections galore. In other words, they can't all be

Holy moly. I clicked through for a chuckle and ended up genuinely disturbed.

Heck yeah, buddy! And 1 Million Billionth of a Millisecond on a Sunday Morning uses dynamics in a way Slint could only dream of doing that well.

First listen to Everything That Happens Will Happen Today did not impress. I put it on about 2 years later when I was able to give it my full attention and it entranced me.

The new Slowdive is fantastic. Solid songs and production. I always thought Pygmalion was a bit of a mess. This a nice return to Souvlaki-esque sounds.

Xetas - The Redeemer and The Tower. Got a deal on both from 12XU direct. Came with pins, stickers and a mini poster. Good golly are both of these records outstanding.

I'm pretty sure there aren't any lenses in those glasses. Not 100%, because I know contact lenses are a thing that exists, but if they are then fuck this douchebag.

Another Eno… "Dead finks don't Talk" So overdriven it stutters.

No; no. It's.. "John's Hopkin's." There both - one person.

Obviously, you've never been to Boston.

"One Thing, Many Things"

I'm actually hearing that in Bender's voice.

It worked the first time, so there's no reason not to do this. When the page is back up, that is…

I have no problem with that.

I wonder when Mr Meeseeks will show up for this one…

Wait, Larry Fast is on the soundtrack? Sold!

And boy do I miss coconut Yoo Hoo. So good.

I still enjoy a cold ovaltine before bed. My favorite growing up was Milk Mate syrup. Put enough of it in a glass of milk and it would be almost red with deliciousness. One of the many staples in Grandma Moon's Supermarkethouse.

Nah. It's a new Doom WAD.