
I got to see Goat-era Jesus Lizard twice back in the day and yes, they were phenomenal. Once was at the Hardback in Gainesville. First song was Dudley. It was a tiny place and ya couldn't even slam because we were sardines just swaying shoulder to shoulder. Yow got crowdsurfing almost immediately and kicked holes in

For me, every day is record store day. Except this one for reasons stated above. I'd like the Jowe Head retrospective, but it will probably be on discogs for less than retail a few days later.

I thought one of the rules of gun safety was never point a gun at someone unless yr ready to pull the trigger? Not sure though. I tend to avoid firearms, myself.

Heck. Even Dancer in the Dark had more jokes than Drive.

They should have brought a good song too.

The paper mâchè.
Too many liars.
Are singing songs.

Dance crew twerks all up in your face.

Those were dark times of Nagel prints and C-90s. Music technology has come a long way since then. I never could have predicted Pro Tools and the like back in '88. My band recorded our last record at home ourselves for freakin' free. To paraphrase Albini, Technology has truly given control back to musicians and I for

Neat. It's an AV Club/real life synergy situation. Small world and stuff. I'm trying to think of who you might be, but the memories of that era are foggy at best. I was very "X-on-the-hand" straight edge back then, but imbibed insane amounts of mind altering substances over the next few decades. I remember getting

Huh! I did work in the video dept. at Specs. Right after high school, so probably 88-89 ish.

Oh man. Junior High era. I was totally obsessed with synth heavy new wave (Think Numan, Kraftwerk, Devo) at the time. And other, much more embarrassing stuff. I was listening to WUFM (Univ. of Miami station) and the DJ played O Superman. Had no idea what it was but I was fascinated. Never heard anything like it. (1984

Sixty Nine.
When you eat a junk lunch.
At the same time.
As you get your junk munched.

"I'm just gonna go find a cash machine"

Just got Mrs. Moon to start watching Breaking Bad. Got to the last ep of season three. We were both just wrecked at the last scene. Ended up on-demanding the last week of the Daily Show as a brain cleanser so we wouldn't go to sleep on a total downer.

I thought he was alright until I heard what Andy from Lake Newbridge had to say about him. More like Aqua-douche!

Hijinx, starring Robert Duvall, Shelley Long and Bette Midler as…

The one, and hopefully last time, I was in the back of a cop car, I did the whole "And they say he ran awayyyyyyy, Brandon!" thing. It made a pretty miserable situation a little better. Didn't get a coffee mug to the head, but I did lose my rug.

I thought his name was actually Ed Hardy.

I'm done with this misery-fest. As Mrs. Moon said, "If it's not dragons, zombies or Dinklage, I don't care"

Dr. Medulla says…
(Apr 16th 2013)
Despite the predominance of tension, there is also much humour in this tale. One example that stands out is a discussion of dugga, the term for a particular type of, and approach to, noise created and developed by the band in the 1980s. It is not just a noun, we learn, but also a