
Jesus is technically God. Father, son, Holy Spirit — the whole three in one deal.

Supernatural portrays God as slovenly neurotic and a bit loutish bisexual, that loves bacon and watches porn and sees hookers.

To be fair, Angel's moment of true happiness is tied more to true love than just having an orgasm.

I don't remember that, I do remember Lector saying something like he failed all the psychological assessments when trying to transition.

I think it's even pointed out that Bill isn't really trans, and his issues deal more with body dysmorphia than gender identity.

No. Otherwise what would kids on Twitter/Tumblr get outraged about if they couldn't point out something problematic in old TV shows or films.

I think Sweeney revealed years later that Pat was a woman.

God help her if she ever watches Kids in the Hall.

They got an 8th season.

Well, even Takei wasn't thrilled that Sulu was gay…

Honestly the Maggie/Alex stuff bores me to tears.

Supernatural is the only remaining remnant of the old WB Network when it became the CW. And it was just renewed for a 13th season.

Dunham is just the worst.

Re: the Jeff Hanneman photo. There are a few reasons why his hand is up in the air. One being it's mid wave, I mean Bowie got shit for the same thing, a photographer caught his arm mid wave, and it looked like a Nazi salute. Two, it was some sort of in-joke, because Hanneman as a WWII buff.

He was a skeevy asshole. But, that's a far cry from rapist.

Yeah. Nikki's not the best, but she tends to have a good handle on ring psychology. I remember one of her matches with Charlotte, she spent the majority of the match working her knee, to take the Figure Eight out of the equation. Unfortunately, Charlotte basically no sold it.

The Tibet issue was one element, but there were also the different stereotypes of the wise Asian male, or as Tilda mentioned, the Dragon Lady.

Yeah. I mean, he's basically saying that one of the guys that has been with the franchise from the start, doesn't know what Evil Dead is. That feels a little off base.

It's funny looking at pictures of clean and pretty model Fimmel. Then season one Ragnar to this current Ragnar. Almost hard to believe it's the same person.

I was always assuming that because Oliver knows how make it like someone is dead. That's what he did to Laurel, to get her out of Dahrk's crosshairs. But, when she never came back. I didn't know what to think.