
I sincerely did want to hear your counter-arguments in good faith, but it's obvious you have none. If you're going to criticize, at least be willing to back it up with facts. The internet has enough trolls.

All of these are vague generalizations. I'd sincerely like you to counter her detailed arguments with specific facts. I'm not part of her "army" nor "on her side", but I read that Taco Bell posting and her statements are both detailed and logical. If you're going to label her points as misinformation and hysteria,

Ironically, your statement is an example of the very thing you would appear to criticize. But she provides very specific details to make her points, whereas you dismiss it as misinformation without providing a single specific example of why that is so. My criticism is intended to be constructive because if you have

There are things wrong with free speech? Is she negatively affecting your rights somehow?