Shotgun City Sunshine

It's what you said and also them assuming that any rival would try to get inside her head. But not because they are of different cultures or anything.

I want an Alex/Luke bonding moment. I don't think it's ever happened.

"Barry marries Iris, not you." - Eobard

They couldn't have picked a better closing song.

Great episode. But her excitedly saying she wants to "start a new firm" like she hasn't done that before felt a little underwhelming. Maybe she should have used something more specific like "solo firm" or "boutique firm". Idk

I loved that scene at the end with Christine Baranski's character and Leonard, though. Christine Baranski is awesome.

Why didn't Mitch & Cam clean the shards of broken bowl immediately (or at all)?? They just kept rambling on in there. Also was Phil's "problem" ever solved?

Don't stop trying, Blake Lively.

I wanted to see Dan try (and fail) to stop them from getting the message to Mike at the end. Lol poor Dan.

Peggy and Stan just get together already!!

Why didn't they think to make sure Everyman stays asleep?

Is it just me or is every character in this show unlikeable except for Harvey and Bruce?

If only Desmond was there to help Cisco remember.

I was going for "blame The Flash".


Eddie: The Flash revealed his secret identity to me but made me promise to keep it from you, so…

Great episode. The only thing I didn't like was the Alicia/Will emails (again). Horrible.

Will Ginsberg be back

Everything in it's right place.

They could have put more thought into those emails.