
Her spot was essentially the same as Owen's. It is not "SO DANGEROUS" as suggested by Lance Storm. And it got a reaction from the crowd especially seeing it by a woman with that move is pretty rare.

Honestly, to suggest that Nikki and Brie are some sort of symbol for a badly booked division is hilarious and ludicrous. Both Nikki and Brie have really grown into fantastic performers throughout their careers, have put on some fantastic matches and have been able to garner some type of reactions despite the poor

Which high level matches are you referring here? I'm not undermining the NXT girls because I like them and they are excellent wrestlers, but they have yet had any high level matches outside NXT. And it is mainly because, as I said, (1) they do not get as much time (2) their matches are not structured the same way as

If you re-watch the match, Charlotte and Sasha were a little slow/sloppy with some of their spots (which probably has more to do with the match being booked last minute), but Brie more than kept up with the NXT girls. In fact, her parts during the match were crisp. Her offenses, especially towards the end, were the

Even Brie? Brie has been very solid in the ring for the longest time. Her short feud with Stephanie had many memorable moments and she came out very strong despite the poor booking. Even the first match she had with the NXT girls at Battleground, she was clearly the best out of the three girls. Just because she's not