
Good point. I guess where I come down is that it he started a debate that will lure fools and why do that. If you're going to start the debate, make sure it's more solid ground than what he chose.

talking about Anton. If you review his comments, I'm sure you'll agree.

Are you familiar with the origin of the word 'retarded?'

That is simple to the point of nonsense. Can a white person quote a book using the word? Can a white person refer to Richard Pryor's albums that use the word as in , "I listed to Pryor's 'That N's Crazy' yesterday?" Respectfully, that is not a serious argument.

Can you not answer? Look, I'm an intelligent guy, well read, very liberal, I have worked on equality issues my entire life and I consider myself sensitive to this issue. But, short of the argument that it's just not appropriate for a white person to ever use the word, an argument that doesn't hold up to any scrutiny

Isn't that what Maher is saying?

But he wasn't using it in a way that embraces the stereotype.

Sure it is. How could that be?

Your feigned indignance is the only arrow in your sling.

This guy can't think and finds himself superior to those who do. When it becomes obvious, he'll start swearing at you.

You are a foul person who seemingly can't think. Pardon us all for attempting to have a conversation within your earshot.

Someone here put it succinctly that Maher was referring both to his own subservience and his own aversion to outdoor work. I didn't think it was so funny, but I'm having a hard time understanding why it was considered SO offensive, rather than just "Yeah, the joke wasn't good enough to touch on the racism inherent in

Thank you. I don't see how that's an analogy for this usage. Was he engaging in a stereotype? Is that the issue?

Ah, so it's the violence that you support, not the thinking.

Geesh. Sorry that I asked you to think about what you're saying on a public board. Sounds like you have no idea why you believe what you do and I've somehow upset you by bringing that to light.

Whoah. Why the hostility all of a sudden?

Thank you for your reply. I am well aware of the history of the word and I stand against anyone using the word as a weapon. But why is this use inappropriate. It's racist to use a word that was used to dehumanize people? I don't think that's a statement that holds up to scrutiny. I understand it's your opinion, but

I thought you said this issue was too confounding.

Why is it baffling? But, my question stands for anyone who cares to discuss it. Thank you for your reply.

Fair enough. Thank you for your reply.