
Maybe not, but that's a little condescending. Believe me, I'm well read on the history of slavery in America and this particular issue. Other than the argument that white people should not be allowed to say the word in any context, which is a ridiculous argument, I'm unaware as to what argument says that this usage

Can you explain why this usage of the word is considered problematic or flat out wrong? I really want to know.

The discussion below seems as if ultimately supports his use of the word, at least in the hypothetical, that it's a matter of context and trust in the individual. That's why I wonder why this use is being considered inappropriate.

I understand that, but when it is used separate from a derogatory meaning, why is that forbidden?

My impulse is to think that people are having just a knee jerk reaction. "A white man shouldn't say the word." But that's a silly argument and one I thought we had put to bed a few years back. Is there another argument?

Yes. Please explain. Is it derogatory? Is it saying anything bad about a black person or anything superior about a white person?

I'm really asking.

Same thing.

HOw is it racist?

Aren't all relationships started by the deficits of experience your object of affection can rectify? We grow - together. Seems to me that's what bonding love is all about.

As with most sexual fantasies, it's not just a male fantasy that's being played with here.

Right around the time of the release of OK Computer, Radiohead was coming to my college town and playing the same bar that they'd always played. I tried talking my girlfriend and all my best friends to go, telling them this will be a show you tell your kids about but they just wouldn't get interested. I finally went

I'm surprised there's no blu ray or 5.1 remix. I want that!

There was a reason. It was from Italian word, flauto.

On comment boards it happens, probably just to rile people up.

If you've never heard the mono mix, it's an eye opener. It contains a lot more effects on the voice and instruments than the stereo version I grew up with.


I'm choosing your comment to attempt to circumvent the "Ringo was a lousy drummer' argument. Is there any rock and roll drummer who successfully evolved their drumming style every 10 months like Ringo did, who could change time signature as effortlessly and invisibly as he did? I truly think he was an amazing

I'm really looking forward to the 5.1 mix on the Bluray. I hope it's more than just adding some rear channel ambience though.

Oh, dude! That was uncalled for. That hurt, deep down inside, where it counts.