
My daughter is 2 months older than Shipka and bares a bit of a resemblance to her that my wife and I commented on throughout Mad Men. But no more. My daughter is at a good weight and is beautiful and doesn't look emaciated at all.

You may be right.

When David first met her she talked to him telepathically. I thought she was a telepath.

Nor should their sins be their only legacy.

Is this the Janice from Accounting who just doesn't give a fuck?

I advocate appropriate use of the word because I'm an adult with an adult's understanding of words and history. As an adult, I can talk to other adults about sensitive issues such as racism (or rape or child abuse or what have you) with the faith that my intent and purpose are plain by my language and content of my

Wanting to say the word in an appropriate conversation is not needing to find an excuse. Why the absolutism?

Compared to anyone in the Oval office, Obama is a model of honesty and integrity.

There's Helium 3 out there and that could solve almost all of our energy problems. The future could be great.

That's a very good point.

I honestly thank the fates that I wasn't born 100 or 200 years ago. I may have been able to survive, but I don't know how I could have been happy. The one bright spot is that at least everyone was drunk all the time.

I sometimes wonder if there isn't a yearning to struggle against primal forces. Our society has sometimes made our individual struggles meaningless and our hopes for the future are basically to improve people's lives that are far removed from our own. I think we imagine that we would be happier with a simpler life,

Yeah, it's amazing to me that those who survived WWI and the Great Depression dreamed of an idyllic future of peace and plenty for all and we have a good portion of that and dream of a future of death, disease, and eventual extinction. What the Hell's wrong with us?

Why are nightmarish dystopias considered accurate depictions of the future? Are we really so devoid of hope and optimism that we can't envision a realistic future better than we have it now? How do we make it happen if we can't even convincingly imagine it?

Racism and other generalized forms of hatred for instance. These are emotional reactions, the facts are filled in after the emotion has already convinced them. There's no way to argue against it, ultimately. You have to make your argument, usually based around the fact that race doesn't actually exist, that it's a

I thought so.

She was on 2 weeks ago.

Well… Mussolini maybe.

It's interesting that an article who has as its basic point that Maher has lost his audience doesn't offer any single bit of evidence that the audience has actually been lost. Does his show attract less viewers than a year ago or even 10 years ago? I'm honestly curious.

Joe Walsh is Ringo's brother-in-law.