
Another good example.

I am an animal lover, a dog owner, and I know a member of the vast minority here, but I don't get the outrage. Is there something more than just this footage?

Not to be mean, but maybe it just seemed that way because you were at work? You gotta pay attention if you want to evaluate the movie.

Look at what we've sacrificed and changed with our day to day, minute to minute human interactions by our sudden and total capitulation to the technology of smart phones. I think when we are given a shiny new toy that's supposed to make our lives easier, we'll give away just about anything in return.

But nothing actually happens to Joe. That is Joe's copy that is stuck in the 10,000 year limbo. Joe's still in his jail cell, oblivious to the whole thing.

No, just that the use of the term cis in relation to gender and/or sexuality is meaningless.

Totally off topic, but is 2017 the year that we get rid of the term "cis"?

Hank Kingsley perhaps?

The study into Cognitive Film Theory suggests that the editing rules were indeed waiting to be discovered rather than just settled on. Classical Film Editing replicates the rules of perception as it has evolutionarily evolved. For instance, cutting on an action in the frame replicates the visual cues our brain

It had the added bonus of being accurate.

Aaaawwwwww. Somebody's upset because people see things that he can't.

That balding bully was Gibby from iCarly!

I am a jug of milk. And I'm not ashamed.

Synedoche, Don Quixote?

My main criticism of the new show is that by dropping the Colbert character and just being himself he ended up dropping the venom and bite that great comedy and especially great satire depend on. If he doesn't have a fool to play, how can he speak truth to power?

Don't even get me started on puppies. Fuck those little clowns.

To a smoker…It's a Kent
The taste of Kent
The taste of Kent

Very funny, Howie.

Thank you so much for sharing.

I can't believe a 12 minute children's cartoon has made me think about this, but here goes. The theme of the episode (and also the theme of Pixar's Inside Out interestingly enough) is that you have to feel all your emotions, fully, to stay in balance and to embrace others in love. Even and maybe especially the bad