
Based on Hopper getting into the Gov't car and leaving Eggos in the woods in the epilogue, I'm guessing there's a LOT more to Hopper's past than just a dead daughter and broken marriage.

I came across the information over a decade ago, but in a couple of different sources. My memory is it was in 2000 or 2001. It was a major article in like The Atlantic or something like that about the changes in business now that Clear Channel and others had basically taken over radio and then I saw the information

The conglomeration of radio stations did more to kill the music industry than mp3s, downloading and Napster and the like. When the radio business was allowed to become massive and isolated through this bill, Clear Channel began to study the best way to keep listeners tuned in to a particular station. Their research

And then the actual apology! That's when I fell in love.

My 16 year old daughter has given me permission/dared me to play the "I Love My Daughter" song at her wedding, some 10 years to never in the future. The only caveat is that she will NOT remind me of this permission beforehand. This is a followup to her and I singing karaoke "Afternoon Delight" at her 6th grade school

Where is lion?

I never heard the Monkees on Top 40 radio, or even the early "oldies" radio stations, until the MTV revival. I was a big Monkees Fan from 1975 on and used to call all the relevant stations in Oklahoma and even when I travelled to St. Louis or Cincinnati and elsewhere to request Monkees songs and I was never

You wouldn't have played a single Monkees song as a working DJ in the 70s. The Monkees were long and basically forgotten by the 70s.

I hadn't heard about that one. Oh, man, they're bleeding me dry. Well, kids don't need to eat.

To me, that's my favorite stuff of his.

I have a troublesome relationship with the song, "Suicide Chump." When my mother first heard me playing that song on the stereo, after the line "Just make sure and do it right the first time, 'cause there's nothing worse than a suicide chump", she said, "Well, I guess there's nothing worse than me, then."

Yes, I know. I typed my ??? into the wrong text box and then I couldn't delete the reply. Sorry about that.


The love for the Monkees here is really blowing my mind. They were the first band I fell in love with and this was in the mid-70s when they weren't even a joke, they were just flat out forgotten. I'd try to convince kids at school to give them a shot, but they were into KISS and Boston and just couldn't relate. I

I'd like a glass of cold gravy with a hair in it please. (HICCUP!)

I think that Colbert was a little taken aback at how mean and biting the Colbert Report could be and wanted people to see that he was nicer than the part he was playing. What he's ended up doing, though, is hiding his bite, his opinion, his anger at things. Where on the Report he was showing a skewed version of

Dialogue problems (paraphrased)

I certainly hope you realize that you are comically mis-representing what I've said. If you think that's what I was saying, then you would be right to characterize those arguments as ludicrous. I think you're smarter than that, though. I think you know what I've said, you know what I've meant, and that rather than sit

What parts have I ignored? Did you say that the 20 year consistency of Dylan't argument are cause to believe its accuracy? Do you not see how that is not necessarily so? Do you not see that to deride an argument as ludicrous is a little hostile, especially when it's an argument that you and I have never even gotten

That's not what I'm saying and I find it disheartening that you choose to belittle what you obviously can't argue with. It seems that when faced with reasonable arguments that may cause you to review your own thoughts on this matter, you resort to personal attacks.