
Actually, he didn't know her since early childhood. He met her when she was in her late teens. And… certainly there's a chance of exploitation, but without any actual evidence of it, I fail to see the point in speculating about it. It seems to me like a bit of pointless indulgence in an inner Puritanism that leads one

I understand. But again there's nothing to suggest that that's the case in this situation.

That doesn't seem to be the case here. There's absolutely nothing to suggest it. So, why imagine that it is so?


And, frankly, this custom of condemnation is very new. Think of all the movies and TV shows of the 50s and 60s that focused on the romance between a very young woman and a much older man. When I was a teen and young adult I knew of at least 5 romances between men in their 40s and 50s and girls from 16 to 20. Each one

From my understanding, he was never a father figure nor did he even live in the same house.

Just to play devil's advocate, what if he was attracted to her before she was legally an adult?

To my above point, all she cared about was the rat in a jar. That is what was secured. I don't even know if she's thinking much of Martha.

I got from her last line, something about being extra careful with the "package", that she was really only arranging the delivery of the "rat", that is, the rat with the bioweapon sample, to the USSR. Martha is just a tagalong.

I got that America Lost and Found Blu-Ray set for my birthday last year. I hadn't watched Easy Rider in close to 20 years. The last time I'd watched it, the bloom was gone, it just bored me to tears. But, on this new blu-ray release I re-discovered the sheer beauty of the footage. And, like so many films of its time,

It's a pretty fatal downside, though. Enough of one, I feel, as to eliminate the positives.

I think the song is good but the production is cheap. I mean, if they're trying to capture the classic sound of the era, they are trying to capture the sound of the Wrecking Crew. I think they could have had a great song if they'd really invested some time and money to gather some great musicians to record the backing

That's what I'm saying. He has. He's been doing Bloom County semi-daily since last Summer and posting them on his Facebook page. It's really great!

It's been pretty interesting. I just love having Bloom County back again. Almost everybody's back, except for Hodge Podge and Portnoy for some reason. Also, he keeps a weird schedule. Usually it's 6 strips a week, but some weeks there's only 2 dailies, some weeks there's 2 or even 3 "Sunday" editions. I don't think

I assume you're following the online reboot of Bloom County?

For Lennon, at least, Ringo was exactly what a drummer should be. In some of the "sessions" releases you frequently hear him explain to whatever drummer he's working with through the years, "just play it like Ringo would."

Any word on whether it will be able to stream in 1080p?

Exactly. That's something that these reviews typically focus on.

It's not her opinions that I had a problem with. It was her writing and the quality of her thought. On this review she wrote much like a high schooler reviewing a book. Here's what happened followed by a sentence or two of reaction to what happened. There was no thematic examination. There was no insight. It was a

In fact, it's being televised at this very moment.