

I read some pretty offensive slams at people all the time in these comments. I'm not too sure what has upset people. Is it now inappropriate to call out a reviewer if it seems they're phoning it in? I really need to keep up with the newsletter, because I missed that.

Perhaps I could have used the phrase "more experienced pros?" Look, if you think she's doing a great job, more power to you. But these last 2 reviews of this show were subpar. The standards for critical writing are typically much higher at AVClub.

So, you're saying that because at least 12 people share an opinion that you find "shitty", you're not going to come to the site anymore? What sites CAN you go to that fits your rigid requirements?

I love reading AV Club reviews. They typically broaden my understanding of a show, analyze thoroughly themes discussed, and add thought and context to the emotional impact of the show. But after reading this and the previous Kimmy Schmidt review, I may just stop with Uphadaya's reviews. The previous review missed

I think it needs to be said that Karen is struggling with some severe guilt over having killed Kingpin's right hand guy. She says that maybe her actions helped spawn The Punisher. She's turning a bit against Daredevil because she's blaming his philosophy of vigilantism for having seduced her into taking another's

I think it's that missing opportunity that's at least giving the impression of a lack of optimism. We used to invest so much more of our money back into society. The top tax rate in the '50s was 90% and it stayed as high as the 70 percentile rate until the 1980s. Now it's 40%.

I completely agree. As dark as it seems sometimes, America is really getting better for most people. I just don't think that the pining for what is lost from the '50s is just the imaginings of nostalgia. There are things that we've lost that we might even get back someday - a greater connection to community, greater

I think you might be missing something. Yes, all that you mention is bad, but we live with similar outrages today (high prison population, even more corporate control, education floundering, health care problems, etc…) There are definitely things that are worse today than they were in the 1950s. Every era has good and

I think her look at the phone after she says, "I love you," is one of exasperation at the beep cutting her off at THAT moment. "The beep could have cut me off when I'm running at the mouth, saying God knows what, getting Clark in who knows how much trouble, but noooooo! It cuts me off at 'I love you.' Isn't the

My apologies if this is mentioned elsewhere - but I was surprised the reviewer didn't mention Elizabeth speaking to Paige in a (fake) Russian accent. That was incredible! It showed her moving just an inch closer to honesty, but was still diabolical if you think that that the ultimate move is bringing Paige over to

The first one made me laugh over and over again and completed my journey to being in love with Rose Byrne. I guess I'll see the second one too.

Thank you for your reply. That's a good point regarding Douglass. It would have been wise to include him in the movie. I disagree with your conclusion that "Lincoln" is false history and propaganda, though. I believe the movie hangs tightly to the relevant passages of Goodwin's "Team of Rivals."

The film Lincoln is the story of passing the 13th Amendment. It only covers a few months. What exclusions are you referring to? My immediate thought to your comment is that it's unfair to criticize a movie for not being what it never set out to be. But, perhaps I don't fully understand your point.

When Martha pulled out the surveillance reports to later give to "Clark", I believe the folder was labelled March '83. So, I think they're in March of 1983.

I've got a pet theory on that. I believe that the number of influences on the creation and maturation of rock and roll - racial integration, the rapid accumulation of wealth, the baby boom, the sexual revolution, recording technology and so on - was truly unique, an unprecedented moment in cultural history. The

There's a difference between disagreement and just being disagreeable.

Ah, fooled again. I thought you had something to say. Never mind.

??? What????

Yeah, but…it's just like the blues artists in the 60s and 70s. These old folks are the only ones in the world who really know what they're doing - in this case, rock and roll - and when they finally die off, that's it. That type of music will be gone.