

Yeah, why don't all old people just stop doing stuff and die already? Why should they continue living?


Why isn't Tulsa, OK on the list? He just last week gave his archives a Tulsa home to be next to the Woody Guthrie museum. I bet Tulsa would give him a real warm welcome right about now.

You made a very good case. I believe you're right - she's just as tainted as everyone else.

Yeah, but that's the job, right? What else is she supposed to do?

What has Leslie done specifically to be morally repugnant? It seems the worst that can be said of her is that she is emotionally disconnected from the kids and the situation, but isn't that what you want from an administrator - the ability to dispassionately make the best decision for the organization? Her

I always tell my kids, who are in their teens, that multi-tasking is a myth. I believe studies show that the brain CAN'T consciously concentrate on 2 things at once. The brain is just rapid fire changing its focus to one thing and then another.

"Chris isn’t racist, of course, but hearing the N-word clouded his judgment and made him rush to action."

I'm really confused by your reply. If I wished to speak about Richard Pryor's use of the word, or the use of the word in movies, or in the history of the word, or if I wanted to read Huckleberry Finn out loud, you are saying I should get a black speaker to say my words for me? Maybe I don't understand your point. What

"The one thing we all agree on is that white people can not, and should not, say it under any circumstances."

"Remember, after I finally got you to address the point, after I said the same thing post after post, re-stating it, re-phrasing, asking you
every step of the way 'do you understand?', after you could no longer avoid the point, you finally dismissed it by saying that the point was a "red herring".

Just a few things to give you a taste of how clouded you've become.

It's amazing how you admit to nearly every point I make but dodge the obvious conclusion of those points, sweeping each conclusively damning argument as a "red herring," "strawmen," "ad hominems". The thing is, just because you say it doesn't make it so. What your post here proves, again, is that you haven't honestly

You have no shame. You can't stand behind your own words and you refuse to understand plain words when quoted. (Note that I have quoted you directly dozens of times with the exact same wording, "It is an Authority Fallacy…to reject an argument on the grounds that you feel the person making it lacks authority," without

You said, "It is an Authority Fallacy…to reject an argument on the grounds that you feel the person making it lacks authority." The Wiki article says, ""Fallacious arguments from authority can also be the result of citing a non-authority as an authority". A non-authority is obviously someone who lacks authority.

As I have said so many times, I can address the point that you keep wailing on, but I don't see the purpose of that until you admit that you are directly contradicted in the same article you're quoting from. You keep dodging that fact. And if you're going to dodge that fact, you're going to dodge the next thing I say.

Repeating the same thing over and over isn't a sign that you've accomplished anything. It's generally a sign of a mental breakdown. Your repetition isn't a victory, it's literally a failure. Every time you blabber on, you're just confirming that you were unable to admit to your obvious and proved error. It's like

How old are you? You keep sidestepping that question.

So you once again admitted to one of my accusations. Incredible. You're playing a game and I'm trying to treat you like a person.