
I have never once lied. Shame on you for saying so.

"Jot?" Did you learn to communicate by reading Agatha Christie mysteries?

Okay, tell me you're at LEAST 15 years old. I've been guessing about 19 or 20, but now I'm really worried you're not even that old.

I don't know how anyone can read your persistent dodges and not come to any conclusion but that you're an idiot and I'm an idiot too for spending so much time on you.

Again, if you would just slow down and pay attention you'd realize that you know I'm right.

This is exactly what I mean by throwing a bunch of shit on the wall in the baseless hope that I'll take the bait and become distracted.

Oh, my goodness. You just have no shame. Re: your age, I've hoped that you're a teenager because you speak like a person with no world experience, little advanced education, and absolutely zero maturity. And if you're not as young chronologically as I've begun to suspect, then you're young in every other way. Your

But you're not right. You're wrong and too pig headed to admit it. And this point is just the beginning of your transgressions. This exchange just proves that you're too young to admit your mistakes.

He was more than a male childhood friend, he was her beloved (older?) brother who knew her better than anyone else in the world. I think it also adds agency to her decision that she is without precedent in her world. Although many women are her antecedents, I think it speaks to the enormous strength of women of that

I had a pretty rough childhood at home, (the adults in my life called me strange, ugly, no good, never amount to anything, you know the drill) and that translated to a lot of social awkwardness at school, which of course the kids pounced on and piled on. So words have definitely brutally scarred me to this day.

Learn to read? You have got to be joking. I'm just flabbergasted that you can't understand the plain language in front of you. I'm assuming it's because you can't admit you're wrong, but maybe there's something else wrong with you because I've never seen someone so resistant to sense, (except for maybe a 2 year old.)

1. It was a yes or no question.
2. If you can't see that Point 2 contradicts Point 1, I don't see how we can move on. The language is clear. Your ego will not let you see the meaning of plain language.

Definitely. They disappeared right before Rumble did. We backed it up to see.

Man, I'm getting tired of this.

Good Lord, Dude. What a ridiculous dodge. When I list points I am listing the points from the Proof. Don't tell me you're so stupid you didn't know that. That's just you being ridiculous in order to try to weasel out again. Point one has never been, as you say, "Wikipedia stating: it is also a fallacious ad hominem

I don't know where to continue. I know I tried that with someone in the past and I got in trouble for having a personal conversation or off topic conversation. I don't know what to do.

This contains the long answer. But, let me start with the short one. If you believe Point 1, then Point 2, a direct quote from a trusted source, says that Point 1 is wrong. So, on the narrow question of whether your supposition, Point 1, is correct, a source that both of us trusts says it is not. Period. Now, you can

You apparently don't know how logic and proofs work. I'm not surprised.

It's a simple proof. You can bluster, sputter, call names, and go completely bat shit all you want. You have been definitively proved wrong on at least one point. If you can't see it, you're devoid of logic. If you can't admit it, your ego is too fragile for words.

Hey. The thread ended. I didn't mean to run away.