
@toooldforthis since you wanted a Team Jason response (Oh Yes, you did), here you go: I agree with all the hate against Jason for being an indecisive wishy-washy type who not only doesn't have the stones to tell people to their face what it is he wants, but who is also willing to step around his producers/line

Effie Brown needs to step back (despite her credibility as a producer) and realise this isn't about making a great film by her standards, it's about making a great film by Jason's standards, that's the whole point of the show. If the man wants film, give the man film. (on a sidenote, I can't believe I'm getting so

Effie Brown is exactly the kind of producer that Damon and Affleck keep insisting the show is supposed to subvert, namely one who thinks she knows more about the project than the director. If it were any other project perhaps her childish mockery of her co-workers and constant unwillingness to compromise could stand,

I won't be the first to say this but how in the hell did John Carpenter end up being listed under C when both Frank Capra and Francis Ford Coppola were left off? A cryin' shame it is…

Really well written article, somehow Im equally terrified and interested to see this film

Maybe I'm the idiot here, but can I please have some specific examples of 'millennial relationship anxiety'?