Francisco Salazar

You are the only sensible person here…. and I"m out.

When I first heard about this show it was presented as an "Asian Everybody Hates Chris" and I had no interest. Hudson and Constance Wu are what make the show. They are caustic, yet likable characters, playing off of established tropes but playing believable characters. Hard to believe people are clutching their pearls

Time to put Elliot Kalan in the chair.

I enjoyed the first half of this season. The second half is just… aggressive. The writers have someone figured out every theme, character, and storyarc I didn't want to see and they gave it to me. For all the people who stuck with True Blood for 7 seasons, you get all the Lettie Mae you would ever want.

The online reaction to this show is mixed, but I love it. The other characters bounce around from lovable to unredeemable but Gordon, the identifiable everyman, never wavers from the precipice of a complete breakdown. That kind of defines the show. It isn't pessimistic or optimistic, the outliers are distractions and

So true. Even before this episode, longtime viewers already knew everything about LSP's origin that we will ever know. It is almost a parody of Hollywood's endless superhero reboots.

I saw questioning bandied about years ago but I haven't seen it used in a while. It is a fairly limited, transitory term, you can question all you like and still not fit into a box. People who are gender androygnous, attracted to trans and androygnous people, pansexual, or "gay for an individual" are not really

LGBTQ is commonly used now. L(esbian)G(ay)B(i)T(rans)Q(ueer). Queer has been reappropriated as a catch all term for people who are not straight identified but don't necesarily identify with other labels either. In this context it is easier to use queer because the only known quality is the character's attraction to

I'm going to act like this episode never, ever happened and look forward to the next one.