
Yeah I agree, it sounds like a bad read for an adult fan but could be a fun gift for a grad. (Although they'd be better off reading Shock Value or Crackpot).

Now I'm in Australia! Now I'm in America! Australia! America!

That wasn't an enough already meryl joke, it was a dumbass president joke.

What about Dennis Mill….oh, never mind.

Never been to one but I have friends who say their burgers are the best.

Agree, the funny moments were great but there was way too much exposition and just rehashing of true crime tropes without adding anything. Definitely the weakest link in an overall great season so far.

Love this show but wish they would film a few seasons and put them in the can, the cast is already looking way past prequel age.

… and is also available on Spotify (premium and free), and presumably other streaming services. So I'm not sure why the gratuitous iTunes plug was needed.

I believe reasonable minds can differ as to whether fracking threatens the survival of the species.