
I saw it differently. First of all, to me they looked pretty surrounded.

I think it's just a reminder of what he did. He got the bruise when he beat the shit out of those guys, when he was furious for something they did. Every now and then when he loses his cool, it opens.

I felt the exact opposite about this episode. I actually came out caring about Eugene and Abraham in the end. Abraham reminded me of Joel from that game The Last of Us. In the game Joel mentions how in order to survive you need to find something to live for. The people in the flashbacks were his family. He lost them.

Idk…it was always weird to me that zombies could actually sit and wait in cars or turn doorknobs like in season 1…it didn't seem to me that zombies could do that

I'm genuinely interested in why some people think this episode was terrible. I thought it was great. Very much needed character development for Eugene and Abraham. I cared about them and felt sorry for them by the end…which was obviously what the episode set out to do and it did it well. The characters made no stupid

Another "A"? Is this the same person who's reviewed prior seasons? That other person seemed to hate the show, this is someone else i think lol.

I'm assuming that you along with a bunch of other people didn't catch something Maggie said/did back in Season 4. When The Governor attacked the prison Maggie left Beth on that bus that was supposed to be their way out as she went to look for Glenn. When she came back with Glenn, Beth was no longer on the bus. Maggie

Im just hoping Rick stays true to his word. When he told Gareth what was in the bag and he was all "and a machete with a red handle….that's what I'm gonna use to kill you"…i was like "oh, shit"

I, for one, would too but the idea behind it imo is freedom of choice. That is an great step forward.

Late reply but the episode where Maggie decides to look for Glenn…she clearly didn't forget about Beth. She says "Beth wasn't on the bus when I came back with Glenn and I couldn't find her afterwards, I don't know where she is. But I do know Glenn was on that bus and the bus went this way. So I will try to find Glenn

*Minor Spoilers*

I would actually switch the scores around. I enjoyed the premier more than I did the second episode.

I mean its all up to the FCC really. You dont play games with them. With them its either dont say the word, or u cant air the episode. And if u do air it….ur in a buttload of trouble. Seriously, theyre dicks.

Meh. Close enough lol. I enjoyed this season. Hbu?

Nah. He was all about "you do this..you risk your life. All that matters is what you're risking it for."

I don't think Carol, Tyreese and Judith are "ignored'..they're just not there yet.

Andrea in season 3, Shane in season 2, Hershel mid-season finale.

They wanted to catch Terminus by surprise, so that they won't be the ones caught by surprise. However, we know how that turned out. However, he does have the bag of weapons buried outside the fence. It's just a matter of getting to them.

Why do you think that?

Not everyone reads the comments section/reads the comments so they weren't expectin the trap set by cannibals.